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Eddie Gran

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Posts posted by Eddie Gran

  1. 4 minutes ago, hobbes2702 said:

    Yea gotta take issue here. Dirk was absolutely a transcendent talent. He completely invented a player type that has never existed in NBA history. His teams were also early adopters of the space and pace that we see today and much of that was dependent on Dirks ability to stretch the floor.

    Agreed, for most of his career if he was left 1v1 in the post he was going to score and you couldn’t leave him open from deep. Forcing many teams to double him down low or throw a SF on him when he was on the perimeter. This left gaps all over the court.

    It created so many opportunities for guys like Corey Brewer to average 15 points a game 

  2. 7 minutes ago, aggie08 said:

    This sort of reminds me of when Grant Hill first came into the league. At the time, there were many people wanting to make the argument that Grant Hill was a better all-around basketball player than Michael Jordan. Even if their argument did technically have some merit, again, who cares? And how do you quantify MJ's force of will, competitiveness, and dependability in the biggest moments? Let's let a play out a bit.

    I agreee

  3. Just now, Goo Punch said:

    dude, you quoted me. we are not talking about your "dirk level" statement. we never have been. we are talking about which one is a better basketball player. i'm not entertaining his anymore tonight. jesus.

    Nice typo goodnight 

  4. 5 minutes ago, Goo Punch said:

    not here. it's 100% analogous. we're supposed to be talking about which player has better basketball skills, yet you guys all keep countering with arguments about career accomplishments because you can't argue that Luka isn't a better basketball player than Dirk. it's the exact same thing as comparing Mahomes to Bradshaw. One is *clearly* a better football player than the other, and career accomplishments have absolutely nothing to do with the discussion. 

    Once again the meaning of “Dirk level” is not purely based off skill but based off of overall career goals and legacy which Luka has not matched.

  5. 12 minutes ago, Goo Punch said:

    what do Dirk's career accomplishments have to do with anything here? by your logic Terry Bradshaw is a better QB than Aaron Rodgers, Dan Marino, Pat Mahomes, Lamar Jackson, etc... we're talking about the ability to play basketball, not career accomplishments. 

    A different sport leads to a different discussion.

  6. 11 minutes ago, Goo Punch said:

    when talking about whether or not one player has more skills than another player? no, they don't mean anything to me at all. Dirk is currently the greatest European player ever, and probably a top 20-ish all time guy. hats off to him. Luka is still a better basketball player.

    My meaning by “Dirk level” is the ability for Dirk to constantly lead his team to the playoffs year in and year out no matter who was around him. I’m not arguing won’t reach that level I just haven’t seen it yet since individual stats don’t reflect playoff success 

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  7. 3 minutes ago, Zepol87 said:

    Got to be a troll.

    Shit copied the wrong post. My bad meant this for Eddie 

    Obviously one game doesn’t define a career but Luka being a better player than a  21 year veteran and a 14x all star based off of 1 1/2 seasons is blasphemous 

  8. 4 minutes ago, Goo Punch said:

    He's already better than Dirk at nearly everything. I know that's hard for a lot of people to swallow for some reason, but it's true. He could literally not improve at all over the next dozen years and he would still go down as a top 10 all time player. I honestly don't even understand how this is a debate. 


    6 minutes ago, ramblin’ man said:

    Terrible take. Go to bed. 

    By saying he is already better than dirk I assume championships mean nothing to you?

  9. 5 minutes ago, Zepol87 said:

    In skill level or fan love? Not sure what this means but Luka is showing out again in his second year. Young and progressing. Legit asking what won't he do that Dirk did? 

    Fan love is growing for Luka but he doesn’t have a street named after him. Also considering dirk was able to put up 7 blocks against the nuggets in 2006 when many players were at their peak in talent shows how much of a defensive presence he was and I just don’t see Luka being as capable as two-way player as Dirk was year in and year out.

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