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Posts posted by What?

  1. 6 minutes ago, Apex73 said:

    I didn't blame you for anything.  And yes even though Ive changed my opinion that doesn't mean I didn't have anything of substance to add before I did.  I'm saying if you're going to continue to come after me over a trivial issue like the song then you have no interest in having dialogue.  You just want to smash people with different opinions than you.  Which on a message board I guess is fine but I'm not going to engage in conversation with you anymore if you have nothing of substance to add.

    Well, that's a bit bit different then.  Yesterday, the song was an issue to become foamy mouthed and spittle flecked over on your part.  You were going to withdraw your vast wealth from the school. Now, it's a trivial issue.  I'm glad you were able to change your perspective.


  2. 1 minute ago, Apex73 said:

    It was but that's neither here nor there at this point.  Are you going to continue to come after me or be apart of having a productive conversation?  Because it sounds like its more important for you to be right at this moment than have anything of substance to add.

    Pray tell, what have you added to the conversation?  Remembering, of course, that our exchange began over you denying that the Eyes of Texas was not an issue until you heard about it, regardless of past students' opinions which were documented over a decade ago, in addition to the opinion of former and current players. I know you have moved your goal posts so many times that your original point is indecipherable, but do not blame me for your blundering and lack of coherent viewpoint.

  3. 3 hours ago, Apex73 said:

    My post wasn't designed to take apart all of those things but I can go into greater detail about all of that and I will shortly.  It was designed to show you the madness of collective thinking attributing guilt to a whole group of people.

    But none of that is actually happening here, except perhaps in your hysterical worldview.

  4. 3 hours ago, Apex73 said:

    I'm aware of what it means.  Iv'e studied it extensively.  I wasn't trying to frame it as an ethnic issue.  I was trying to explain the danger of a collective mindset that subjugates guilt on a group of people.  It wasn't about comparing it to the song.  It was a response to saying America is full of white privilege.  That is targeting a specific group. If you can't understand that then you don't know what words mean.  You took everything I said completely out of context in what it was in response too.  It wasn't about the song shithead.  Btw I love how a song that everyone was fine singing and repping until recently becomes "my little song" once it becomes unpopular.  Apparently when it's wrong I have sole ownership.  That's rich.

    Are you really this obtuse?  It was exactly in the context you presented. Comparing an individual commenting on white privilege to forced collectivization and mass famine is hyperbolic and hysterical.  It also causes you to appear to be detached from reality. Your historical comparisons are pedantic and counterfactual.

  5. 7 hours ago, Apex73 said:

    But the idea that you can target an ethnic group with a collective crime regardless of the specific innocence or guilt of the constituent elements of that group, there is absolutely nothing that is more racist than that.  If you really wanna know more about that sort of thing you should read abut the Kulaks in the Soviet Union in the 1920's.  Because they were farmers who were the most productive people in agriculture in Russia and they were virtually all killed, raped, and robbed by the collectivists who insisted that because they showed signs of wealth that they were criminals.  One of the consequences of the prosecution of the Kulaks was the death of 6 million Ukrainians from famine in the 1930s.  The idea of collectively held guilt at the level of the individual as a legal or philosophical principle is dangerous.  It's precisely the sort of danger that people who are really looking for trouble would push.  Just a glance at 20th century history should tell anyone how horrible that is. 

    The term Kulak does not designate an ethnicity. It is a Russian word for wealthy peasant, one wealthy enough to hire outside labor.  This exchange was often viewed as exploitative by poorer peasants, hence their extreme reaction when the Soviets came to power and emboldened this peasant underclass.  Before you exhort people to find out "more about that sort of thing," perhaps you should know what you are talking about first.  Trying to frame that period of history as an ethnic issue reveals a profound ignorance on the topic.  Also, comparing forced collectivization and resulting famine to losing your precious little song causes you to appear hysterical and detached from reality.  That's a textbook example of the slippery slope logical fallacy.  Nobody's "targeting" any specific ethnic group,  trying to laying collective guilt on any any group, or accusing any group of a crime.  A portion of the UT student body wants to discuss, among other things, changing a song that some view as having racial undertones. I'm not seeing a call for retribution against anyone in their requests.

    • Like 4
  6. 7 hours ago, Apex73 said:

    Micheondra Williams, a College of Liberal Arts sociology major, learned about the alma mater's history from a friend.

    "I have to admit that I was a little bit shocked to read about the song's history," she said. "But there aren't any words that put me down or degrade me, or make me feel negatively about myself or anyone else."

    That's the part you left out. Try to be more professional in the future sir.

    That's a quote from a different person than the one I originally cited.  Why would I include that?  The point is you said you never heard of it being an issue for UT students until a few days ago.  However, as the article pointed out, it has been raised before.  Some students were okay with the song, some were made uncomfortable by it, the part I "cut off" doesn't change either side of that equation.  You've really got your panties in a bundle over this.  Again, no one is stopping you from from bellowing minstrel songs at student athletes during football games.

  7. 3 minutes ago, Apex73 said:

    I have nothing to prove to you.  You can look back at my first post.  It says word for word what was said in the article.  You make me sick.  Your'e a jackass.

    Show the quote that i "cut off." Prove me wrong. Do it. You can't,  snowflake. Move the goalposts again, do it , you disingenuous entitled twat. You've never heard of something,  therefore it can't be valid. Textbook definition of entitled cunt.

  8. 41 minutes ago, Apex73 said:

    You stopped the quote at the point where it supports your point of view.  If anyone actually reads the article all the stuff I said is valid.  You are just cherrypicking the parts you want to express.

    Then please


    42 minutes ago, Apex73 said:

    You stopped the quote at the point where it supports your point of view.  If anyone actually reads the article all the stuff I said is valid.  You are just cherrypicking the parts you want to express.

    Fill in the missing bits for all of us, you disingenuous twat

  9. 4 minutes ago, Lhorn said:

    My comment was was based on what’s surprise that the other guy didn’t know there was an issue. Whether Apex said it wasn’t an issue or not until recently I don’t know 

    He did, repeatedly, despite plenty of evidence to the contrary

    5 minutes ago, Lhorn said:

     You honestly believe every person knew this was an issue?


    No, that's the entire point.  There's plenty of evidence that some students have felt uncomfortable for a prolonged period of time with regards to the Eyes. However, now we have people like Apex saying its "just now becoming an issue for athletes" because people like Apex are only now finding out about it.  It causes him to appear like an entitled whiner.  He never heard of it, so it must be invalid.

  10. 3 minutes ago, Lhorn said:

    He didn’t know about it so he’s a bad guy, but you knew it was considered horribly racist by some and sang it anyway 6 months ago?

    Let’s in any of us get too judgy.

    Where did I say he's a bad guy?  I said there is considerable evidence that this was an issue long before there was even such a thing as BLM and provided an example, a fact which he has continually denied, simply because HE had not heard of the phenomenon.  The sense of entitlement is staggering.  Perhaps you should just go holler minstrel songs at the players during the next home game.  I'm sure that will go over real well, because turdition.  I'm sure they will understand.  

  11. 7 minutes ago, Apex73 said:

    In that same it article the person they interviewed said they were shocked by the history of the songs origins but did not feel discriminated against and felt it did not impact anyone negatively in any way.  You are reaching.  Mining for morality points.  You make me sick.

    I'm not "reaching," it's right there in the article.  Try fucking reading it

    T.J. Finley, who graduated from UT with a bachelor's degree in kinesiology in the spring, stopped singing UT's iconic alma mater completely after being told that the song was first performed by students wearing blackface makeup in a turn-of-the-century minstrel show.

    "At first, I was just so shocked that something like this could still exist," said Finley, a graduate student at the Duke University School of Law.

    They interviewed multiple people, some who were uncomfortable, some who weren't.  The issue is that you claim that this is only now an issue, when clearly it predates the current situation and invalidates your claim on this point.

    • Like 2
  12. 23 minutes ago, Apex73 said:

    These in particular, didn't seem to bother them until recently.  


    Do you mean to say that YOU only just recently found out that this has been an issue for minority students at UT?  Here's an article from 2009 which has already been posted, but you continue to ignore:  https://abcnews.go.com/OnCampus/story?id=7160813&page=1.  There are plenty of other examples from current and former players.  Also,  UT students have definitely questioned and protested the naming of buildings after racists and presence of Confederate statues and monuments on campus for decades, but of course, since you have no personal knowledge of it, it must not exist.

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  13. 4 minutes ago, Cairn Horn88 said:

    Pretty sure the UT admin is not gonna ask surly forum posters what we think about this issue...imho.

    It seems like it has already been decided.  I highly doubt the University would be willing to countenance the optics of a bunch of good ol boys hollering minstrel songs at predominantly African American student athletes who have expressed their discomfort with said minstrel song.

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