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Posts posted by flavols

  1. John Lennon sang "Just gimme some truth."  Well, here it is.  The "S-E-C, S-E-C!" chant was born in an instant on the night Alabama humiliated Geno Toretta and Miami 34-13 in the Sugar Bowl to top off the 1992 season.  Most Miami fans had left the Dome.  About five minutes remained in the 4th quarter and some one or some group started it up.  It spread fast and before ling the 50,000 or so Bama fans were yelling and stomping it out in unison.  I was there.  I heard it and I saw it and I said it with gusto.  We were sick to death of hearing about Miami and their unstoppable offense.  As far as I'm concerned it was an isolated event of regional resentment spilling onto the field.  The origin of a behavior which may appear offensive or shitty today is completely logical in context.  Did I chant S-E-C! when Auburn scammed their way to #1, or LSU, or Tennessee back in the 90s?  Fuuuuck, no.  With all that said, do I like Texas and OU joining the SEC?  Why hell, yes.  Because I love college football!  Let's rock and roll!

    Just like a bammer to take credit for something because you heard it there in ‘92.
    I was there at Sugar Bowl ‘86 when we did the exact same thing to Miami with Vinny Testaverde, Michael Irvin, etc. and that same chant was being sung loud through the dome.
    But I’m not a bammer and going to take credit where it may not be due. I have no idea if that was the first time that chant came out but I’m not such a narcissistic prick to think my team was the first.
    GFY bammer!
    • Hook 'Em 2
    • Haha 1
  2. I think about United Flight 73.  And those brave Americans who grounded that flight so that it could not fly into the U.S. Capitol and claim, hundreds, maybe thousands of lives.  Many of whom would have been our elected officials and their staffs, and the Capitol Police who protect them.  Those Capitol Police, and first responders, likely would have perished in large numbers attempting to enter the Capitol and evacuate the trapped and/or injured.  And we rightly condemn the actions of those four terrorists who almost succeeded in that horrible goal.  But some of you sit back and accept the actions of other terrorists attempting (and in some cases succeeding) to kill people inside the Capitol on January 6th.  Not only do you not condemn them, you tacitly accept that what they did was just.  
    Tell me...real fucking slow...what is the difference between the 4 terrorists of United 73 trying to murder people in the Capitol and the hundreds of Proud Boys/Oathkeepers/MAGA/Qanon insurrectionists of January 6?  Explain it to me.  Why do we spit on the memories of one group and the other group gets a pass in your eyes and their leader, the man who incited them, continues to garner your favor?  

    LOL…hard talking to loons.
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