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Posts posted by JPETERMAN

  1. 10 hours ago, RaysBoomBoomRoom said:

    Just based off what we know so far, I have no doubt that sark can hire good people. Harris was unproven in the role, go hire the best. 

    I have a little doubt.  Let's not forget that he did try to hire Stoops.  It's hard to make hires that are consistently home runs.  Could Sark have someone in mind that will come and even prove to ultimately end up being better than Harris?  Sure.  But I'll take a bird in the hand with Harris, based on early results, over an unknown at this point.  

  2. Having a coach believe in momentum, and pushing for some of these early studs to commit is huge.  Its nice seeing all these guys at these events talk about UT and try to recruit each other.  Herman always was overconfident that he'd be able to go undefeated and then everyone would want to flip.  But losing to TCU and a few other crappy teams annually made that a much harder sell.  I really hope we can get some of the O-linemen to publicly commit next.  Sounds like we definitely have some leaners.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. 3 minutes ago, Yev Kassem said:

    I know it’s Cali, but that’s wild. By current projections, the vaccine should be widely available to the public by the summer so how could they be so pessimistic about playing football in seven months?

    Probably talking about last year's season that got pushed to this spring.  Believe they were going to try to play a shortened season of about 5 games starting in March or so.

  4. 14 minutes ago, TexasRenegade said:

    I typically like Gerry the most of the 9.95ers.....but his doomsday angst about going out of state for recruits rubbing texas high school coaches the wrong way gets old.  It certainly hasn't hurt Jimbo...and as some have pointed out....the Texas high school coaches weren't exactly steering recruits to go to Texas over out of state recently anyway.....

    There is definitely a wrong way to deal with the high school coaches which somehow we've managed to do since Mack left. That's not to say that you have to suck them off to the extent Mack did however, just not actively piss them off. 

    Charlie pretty much ignored them in general, and I recall some chatter when he signed about 4 kids from Florida in the Cecil Cherry class that they were getting some "dogs" with the kids from Florida, implying Texas high school kids were soft.  Herman was just an A-Hole and all the high school coaches despised him so he wasn't going to get the benefit of the doubt.

    You don't have to bend over backwards, but you basically shouldn't actively try to piss them off or they will likely steer kids away from your program.  Feels like there is a lot of room in between those extremes in which you can succeed.  Same goes for the trainers for that matter, unless you want to talk about dropping bags in which case some of them are more likely to be influenced by that sort of thing.

  5. 1 minute ago, RollLeft said:

    Why? Because they know how to win games?  

    Because they use their money and resources appropriately.  They have more staff than just about anyone, particularly behind the scenes.  Sounds like they have some of if not the best sports medicine people, nutrition people, you name it.  Saban is an extremely detail oriented prick who leaves no stone unturned and demands and gets the most out of his staff.   I would imagine that he has had a team of qualified people researching how to best take advantage of something like this for quite some time.  Carrington maybe did a good job of getting ahead of this, but I very much doubt Herman or the coaches had any interest in really learning about it, much less selling it.  I bet Saban knows more about it right now than most coaches will 5 years from now.

  6. 1 minute ago, closetohumping said:

    I mean carrington is a rock star right?   Maybe he would’ve made a difference maybe he wouldn’t have. But him being recruited by usc on national signing day is a bit crass, taking pics with Horace McCoy.   But you’re getting bad vibes because Steve was doing things for his new gig?   Which he mentioned publically btw.  Said “I’m gonna fulfill my duties to Nick and the kids.  I will use my spare time to build staff”

    The picture was certainly in poor taste.  But it seems pretty clear to me (And no I don't know 100% for sure because I have zero sources) that Carrington knew he was gone by the time he took those pictures.  Sark knew BC was gone too, but it didn't leak until after NSD2 just in case any recruits would have been turned off by it.   Every year guys leave the day or 2 days after signing day.  You don't think they've been talking for weeks beforehand, doing interviews etc.  This is no different.  If anything, it's more excusable for Carrington because the staff was just blown up and in transition.  I'm sure he started putting out feelers the hour after Herman was fired, as well he should have.

    I'm not getting bad vibes from Sark splitting duties.  I was getting bad vibes from him seemingly not wanting BC to potentially explore an opportunity that was presented to him when it is probably standard practice in the industry (timing-wise).  I mean hell, we've been talking about Petagna for as long as the USC/Carrington rumors have been going on so we don't exactly have a moral superiority here.  But again, I'm apparently reading too much into it, so let's drop it.

    • Fuck You 4
  7. 2 minutes ago, closetohumping said:


    Yea but Sark worked that out with Saban?   He put in the time to game plan and they crushed osu.  BC has done well for himself thanks to ironically enough Tom herman.  Not sure what position he’s qualified to coach at usc but good luck to him 

    Seems to me that Carrington wasn't exactly keeping Sark in the dark either.  We've been hearing about it for quite a while and that Texas would have the opportunity to match.   So either match, or don't.  But don't get all bent out of shape because he's willing to listen to someone else who makes him a better offer.    Who on NSD2 did we not get that BC would have been a vital player in getting?  I'll hang up and listen.

  8. 18 minutes ago, Hiphopopotamos said:

    From Bobby this morning:

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    - Bryan Carrington, after making what could only be described as an “official visit” to USC over the weekend is now expected to take the Trojans up on their offer. I’m told Steve Sarkisian wasn’t exactly beat up about Carrington’s departure given Carrington’s outright overtures to another program just days before signing day.


    This is so stupid.  I really hope this isn't indicative of his "authenticity" and saying one thing and doing another.  I would think that a national championship game is more important than national signing day, and not only did Sark have outright overtures before that game, he was actively working for us and splitting time leading up to it.  Being ok with Carrington leaving because you think he was a mole, or you think he is fairly easily replaceable is one thing.  But this just gives me a bad vibe if he's truly begrudging BC for accepting overtures from another school during a period when the current staff he is on had been fired and he was somewhat in limbo.  It's not like BC has been making top assistant coaching money for years either.  He has to consider all opportunities that jump his pay significantly.  Holding people to a standard higher than your own is a quick way to lose the team a la Herman.

    • Haha 1
    • Fuck You 8
    • Fuck Around and Find Out 1
  9. 5 hours ago, SquishMitten said:

    From that Wiltfong article...oof. Only in it for one guy, a lot of us aren’t really that interested in him, and he’s likely going aggy anyway. 

    Wait.  A lot of us aren't really that interested in LJ Johnson?  Just because allegedly he starts trending away from us, let's not act like we don't want the kid. 

    It's not ideal that he's taking his time deciding and that has supposedly rubbed both coaching staffs the wrong way.  And he apparently has subpar Sr tape (I haven't watched it so can't comment).  But I think you'd have a hard time finding people that would not be happy if he committed to us.  Both staffs are pushing hard and that tells you all you need to know.  Especially considering some of the other backup plans being explored.  Seems the staff wants another RB in 2021, and Johnson is far and away the best option left.

    Hell, even if he doesn't turn into a great player, winning this head to head with A&M gives us a little momentum and kicks off the 2022 class.  And Bijan and he are close, so once he gets to campus, I'd hope that he picks up on Bijan's work ethic.  I think this would be huge if we can get him in the fold.

  10. 17 minutes ago, LTtxfan said:

    Any info on the offset savings to TEXAS with Herb getting a new job at Charlotte??  

    (Texas still owed Herb $700k for final year of his contract through the 2021 season)

    I think they are paying him mainly with pimento cheese sandwiches and subpar carolina style bbq.

    • Like 1
  11. 1 hour ago, closetojumping said:

    I gave you a hard time about acting like the 2021 season is a throwaway for the program, not preferring LJJ. The TB preference is obviously subjective. 

    Have some thicker skin and keep posting, JPETERMAN. Don’t let opinionated assholes like me run you off.

    Yeah, I'll stick around.  I mean I'm due to get some premium inside scoop again soon that I can share.  My last nugget was when I was walking back to the dorm one night and saw "Welcome Montrell Flowers" on the stadium scoreboard when he was in town for a secret unannounced visit.  Posted that on hornfans or whatever the message board was back then faster than you could dial Suzanne Halliburton's hotline.

    • Hook 'Em 5
  12. On 1/23/2021 at 9:19 AM, closetojumping said:

    LJ is a legit NFL prospect if he decides he actually wants to compete and be a football player at the next level. Gray doesn’t have any question marks as a college running back. Give me Gray. Potential doesn’t pay the rent. 

    I don’t know if the recruiting board is a good transition forum for you after the coaching search. There are a lot of good football threads on the football board where you can post a lot of words and hawt takes in a safe environment. 

    Coming to this board and telling us you don’t give a fuck about the 2021 season and not really seeming to grasp why it matters for the future, or that Texas has the talent to be a top 15 team next year, isn’t going to help much. Not knowing that there are 12 games in a regular season college football calendar for all teams is also a grim beginning to your journey here. 

    I don't spend much time, if any, on the football boards typically because I can smoke my own damn brisket without having to look at pictures of everyone elses.  The coaching search was another story though as that clearly has huge implications for our future.  I usually just lurk in recruiting and read info from people in the know, like you.  So I appreciate all of your insights throughout the years.   But this question doesn't have a clear answer one way or another.  There are pros and cons to each outcome that can be debated.  Just because someone disagrees with you doesn't mean it's a "hawt" take or that their opinion is wrong.  It's a preference.  And mine would be to get LJ.

    I never said I don't give a fuck about the 2021 season.  Of course it matters.  If we get to or even win the big 12 title game, that is obviously a significant storyline that we can sell.   How much does bringing Gray into the fold instead of LJ increase the odds of that happening?  I'd guess very, very little.  Bijan should get the vast majority of playing time since Sark has proven that he can give a rb more than 12 carries in a game.  If our backup RB is getting more than 6-8 touches next year in a close game, then something has likely gone wrong.  ROJO and LJ would be more than capable of performing that duty.  Having LJ for 4 years, the last 3 of which we hopefully will have a shot at being a legitimate playoff contender is worth more than having 2 years of Gray when the first year we are clearly going to be learning new systems and not in the hunt for the playoffs.  But apparently that is an unreasonable take so I'll fuck off and go back to lurking for a while I guess. 


    • Hook 'Em 1
  13. 1 minute ago, Xian said:

    I care. 

    Fair.  I didn't word that properly.  But you don't typically go to the recruiting board if you are only focused on the results of the following year.  It's more about the long term success of the program.  I don't anticipate being in the title game next year after having a new coach.  But in 2-3 years, I hope that might be a possibility.


    20 minutes ago, LebongJames said:

    We need a good year to lay the foundation. Next year is not a pass. If it didn’t matter you keep Herman. Aggy has momentum, OU continues to run the conference. Ohio St and Alabama keep getting a larger foot print in the state. Next year fucking matters

    You don't keep Herman because in recruiting we were dead in the water for 2022.  Sark gives us momentum.  So next year RESULTS don't matter as much as perceived momentum I guess is my point in regards to recruiting.  Herman had some pretty good classes with the "promise" of being better, but having lost to Maryland etc....  

    In the grand scheme of things, there isn't a ton of difference if next year we finish 8-3 instead of 7-4.   Its' a process.  Given our new coaching staff and a QB without any meaningful experience, I can't anticipate being in the final 4.  And that is what all of our sights should be set on.  The rest is just window dressing and whether or not your staff can sell progress and development of players, which hopefully Sark can sell at this point next year regardless of which player he gets because as mentioned, Bijan should get 80% of the carries no mater what.  And long term, I'd rather have LJ.


    • Hook 'Em 1
  14. 13 minutes ago, Ricky Butler said:

    Would LJ or E. Gray have you more excited for next year? LJ is a more exciting prospect, right?

    Next year is not what I'm excited/worried about.  Maybe we are good.  Maybe we won't be.  It's not like we are going to be in the playoffs.  So who cares.  Next year gets a pass with new coaches and a new QB.  Talk to me about 3 years from now. 

    Therefore I'd be more excited about LJ.  Because we better enjoy Bijan while he is here, cuz he isn't staying long.  But while he is, Sark is going to feed him.  And ROJO is fine to spell him for the time being until LJ gets up to speed.  

    Now if Gray can bring his LB friend along with him, then give me the Tennesee guys and I'll take my chances of landing Blue next year and not be too worried about LJ.  

  15. 8 minutes ago, Ricky's one-hitter said:

    You're mistaking my point and missing the context of the locker room. Cosmi quit.


    I literally said as much in my original post, which you quoted me on.  I agree that he quit, I just said that I understood why he did so.

    I guess the point I thought you were trying to make (other than trying to belittle me) is that him quitting was unreasonable.  And I then offered several reasons why I disagree with that conclusion.  None of which you have actually bothered to address or refute.  So maybe i did miss your point.  Guess it doesn't matter.  Clearly you are not going to agree with me.  Which is fine.  The topic has nothing to do with 2021 recruiting anyway.  So let's agree to disagree, and move on.


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