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Everything posted by 90's_Horn

  1. I was awaiting the night crew to arrive...not UM. But thanks.
  2. The force is strong with this one......
  3. Out of rep to give....but ‘whiskey in’ is good enough for me 🤘🏼
  4. C’’mon Night Crew....LFG....get home, grab your glass of bourbon, check on that brisket and get crackin’....the momentum is dying.
  5. Ha! Someone needs to do it....I’m driving back from my west Texas lease.....no, I dont have any news or BMD’s on my lease, sorry folks.....The moose out front shoulda told ya!
  6. The little engine that could (aka night crew with BDE) will bring this bitch home and into the station in Jan...... (night crew don’t fail us now)
  7. “220 or 221 whatever it takes”
  8. How can UM say no to the beaver?!?
  9. Buc-ees > Buckeyes Urban or bust!!!
  10. This thread is simply glorious! May it never die.
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