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Posts posted by JimmyJames

  1. On 2/3/2023 at 9:29 AM, Poe It Up said:

    Speaking of posters that aren’t here anymore, what happened to that jimmyjames guy? I kinda miss reading all of his hyper-paranoid posts. 

    Not to worry. You’ll see me again eventually. Just got tired of arguing with internet trolls like Annie. No point to it. 

    • Hook 'Em 2
  2. I see that GRUhorn/Satosh/Immaculate vibrator/etc. is still trolling the shit out of this board along with all his socks. Just like he is paid to do. Do not ever listen to that asshole  and those who agree with him and 95 percent of what he says you should believe the complete opposite.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. So I’ve been seeing a whole shitload of signs in the neighborhood for this election today. Since it’s inevitable it will turn political I’m posting this here.

    So what do y’all think about it? Are Jim and Jay trump supporters in disguise? The only thing I really know about them is that the Jim guy’s campaign drives a trailer around with him in a cardboard cutout pointing up to the sky like he’s Jesus or something clogging up parking lots like at the HEB on 360, and Jay claims to be an Eanes grad in ads for his campaign when he’s not. 

    Any consensus out there? 

  4. Told y’all long ago Thomas was a complete hack. Never did jack shit expect sign off on opinions Scalia wrote.

    Never opened his mouth during oral argument because he apparently long ago learned the old adage that it’s better to sit silent and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

    The senate will never convict but the Dems should impeach him anyway just to put that mark of history on the biggest shitstain of a judge the Supreme Court has seen in a good long while, probably ever.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  5. The focus of some posters on America in the past instead of what is happening now in Ukraine is very telling about them. Basically they are being pieces of shit.

    • Hook 'Em 5
  6. 2 hours ago, Horn Under a Bad Sign said:

    I don't want to get involved in whataboutism and I'm not here to defend Maybe a Coordinator, but all of you who are condemning his takes would be well-served to read "Anything that Moves"  by Nick Turse or at least listen to the interview with him on NPR's Fresh Air:


    Trump is stupid and immoral and --- as I've made abundantly clear on countless occasions ----- I hate him with the white hot intensity of ten thousand suns, but he hit on something very real when he asked "you think we're so innocent?" We're not. Within my lifetime we did the same thing that we're accusing the Russians of in Ukraine only on a much larger scale.  The U.S. military incentivized high body counts and it didn't matter whether those bodies belonged to combatants or civilians.  


    God damn you Walter! You fuckin' asshole! Everything's a fuckin' travesty with you, man! And what was all that shit about Vietnam? What the FUCK, has anything got to do with Vietnam? What the fuck are you talking about?

    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Haha 1
  7. 3 hours ago, MaybeACoordinator said:

    Basically I'd like people to try to disconnect from the emotional imagery and the pure uncut dope of Ukrainian propaganda and think logically about this. Poland and a large swath of Ukrainians DGAF if this results in WW3. They hate the Russians that much. 

    I agree with Brisket's contention that bloodying the Russians' noses is good leverage at the peace table. But there's a fine line between providing for leverage and becoming a hostile combatant, and I fear far too many of y'all are willing to cross that line without a thought in your heads. Damn fool thing in the Balkans logic, and now that the atrocity stories are coming in, and can be presented in a way they never have been before, it's ever more intoxicating...Just remember -- the Ukrainians are just as capable of committing war crimes as the Russians. Maybe more so, because they are defending their land, and I'd be less willing to obey the Geneva Convention in some foreign country than I would in front of my house. We've seen how sadistic they can get with the soldiers taunting the parents of dead Russians on their cellphones. It's understandable but it's horrible. War is hell. 

    And the dude found dead with his hands bound and shot in the mouth sounds like a reprisal on an informer to me. Not that there is anything strange about that in a country that has been invaded. Which is why we need a UN investigation of what happened before we accept every word of the Ukrainian gov't as gospel truth. 

    As for the idea Putin simply wants to exterminate Ukrainians by the millions, well, then why hasn't he? He could have done that by simply launching thermobaric missiles from Russia straight at population centers. Again, Mearsheimer said it eight years ago -- he knows he can't occupy Ukraine so he wants to break it. And he has broken it, and so he's pulling back.

    This is exactly how things played out in Georgia. We egged them on. Russia went down there and smacked them in the mouth. They appealed to us for more helo than we were willing to give. So either we are willing to get in this thing whole hog or we've just led another country into a proxy war costing tremendous loss of life and devastation while we reap more defense contracts and inflate our military budget. 

    There’s no way anybody is really this fucking dumb that can type so much. This is straight up trolling at this point. 

  8. 12 hours ago, TurkeyChew said:

    Not many, anymore, you are right. They have been driven off the boards, but a few of us are too stupid to have followed suit I guess. I mean, I think it's important to provide a point of view that is absent in the "echo chambers", but some part of me must also enjoy the gauntlet I guess as well. I can't figure it, myself.

    You don’t care because you’re just a troll here and always have been. Don’t think most of us aren’t smart enough to see that.

  9. 49 minutes ago, Moby Ric said:

    JFC People. 

    wildcat sorry the truth hurts, deal with it, seek help.

    tigol stop trying to fit in with the CR kids.  Run away.

    Lobo I really am getting serious about the reading comprehension thing.  You are either ignoring what I am saying or just making your own shit up.  I think it is the latter.

    Never said I don't know anything about politics, parties or ballots.  Typical CR bullshit, take someones words, twist them to fit your personal narrative.

    btw the chicken was excellent.

    You are a complete fucking idiot and should have already been banned for posting nothing but complete troll bullshit.

    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Fuck You 1
  10. On 3/24/2022 at 5:09 PM, henrygandorf said:

    and in case you're keeping score at home, consider who started the whole "red state" and "blue state" nonsense.  consider who made a point of calling out and going after liberal areas and conservative areas, geographically.  tell me which presidents went into press conferences and talked about the political affiliation of local officials, mayors and the like.  who talked about sending aid to certain states over other states and the reason for doing so.  who wanted a transactional relationship with certain states and their governors.

    think about when this all really became a "team sport".  i'll wait here.  probably for a long time.

    Fox News started the whole red state blue state thing. And it was done by design.

  11. 3 hours ago, bschoolprof said:

    it's the new omicron.  BA.2.  


    Another wave is coming this summer.  And then another one next winter.  It's already started in the UK. 

    Fortunately, lockdowns and school closures are done for good.  Masks will probably come back, which sucks because I don't think they do much (based on RCTs and the way most people use them), but I'll go with the flow for my fellow man.  

    There will be other waves just like there is for the flu every year but ultimately it won’t affect society like before. It will become a slightly more deadly and more contagious version of the flu that is more deadly because ignorant people refuse to get the vaccine. That’s their choice I guess.

    • Hook 'Em 3
  12. Clarence Thomas’s game must have really sucked if he wound up marrying this crazy ugly bitch. No wonder he resorted to sexually harassing women. Dude was an incel before the term even existed. 

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  13. It has always been a truism throughout history that evil in the long run ultimately fails because by its very nature the thieves, hyenas and liars eventually start to turn on themselves and there is simply no doubt that both Putin and trump are evil to the core.

    This is why brisket is wrong and always has been. 

    • Hook 'Em 3
  14. 2 hours ago, WhatTheBuck said:

    The average Russian doesn’t know that Russia is the aggressor. They think it’s a defensive action against NATO and U.S. aggression. They get all their information from Fox News, err, I mean state tv. Some know the truth but most don’t. While they’re lining up to buy bread and burying their fathers, brothers, and sons, they’ll just hate the West that much more. 

    Thanks to poorly paid assholes like the immaculate vibrator. Fuck him forever.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  15. 1 hour ago, Goredho said:

    Given that threshold for evidence that is proof of a crime, then this photo is proof that Donald Trump fucks minors.


    Trump’s stupid pink tie and Epstein’s entire wardrobe just screams out douchebag pedos on the prowl for 14 year olds. 

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