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Wilcox Cummingtonite

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Wilcox Cummingtonite

  1. 1000% this is what happened at my house. Swing and miss round 1 (already moved east right after disappearing and reappearing). Round 2 tonight will be several near misses with large storms disappearing on radar right over my house, then reappearing to my north and east. Then more drizzle tomorrow. I’m not bitter at all.
  2. It’s not gonna do shit except be humid and drizzle
  3. The only thing worse than watching this team shit all over themselves is the usual suspects here defending RT ad nauseam. He sucks and always has sucked.
  4. There’s life out there, sure. Will we ever see it? Doubtful. The universe is unfathomably large. It will never happen, which is a good thing. Cloak room asswipe
  5. This team isn’t making the tournament
  6. This game will be dogshit, I doubt it ever even gets released anyway.
  7. wtf was Kelce doing screaming at Andy Reid on the sidelines?
  8. Just go college OT and get it over with
  9. This is sloppy ass terrible football from both squads.
  10. No one likes JJ Watt more than JJ Watt.
  11. Is the sound fucked up on YouTube TV? Seems extremely variable.
  12. RT is not our standard. Weak ass shit, publicly embarrassing the university.
  13. Surly’s favorite shale bro is back.
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