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Posts posted by Poester

  1. 13 minutes ago, bolverk said:

    You might not care about Ireland, Spain, or Norway recognizing Palestine, but if the UK, France and Australia move ahead with it, an idea all three are toying with (click the links), then maybe you won't find it so funny.

    Just about the entire international community supports a two-state solution. Universal recognition of Palestine is really only contingent on whether it's part of a negotiated settlement.

    For example, the green countries below already formally recognize the Palestinian State. As any rational person can see, doing so is not a radical or laughable idea.


    I was laughing at the notion that Europe supports it. I actually like the poster, so we can drop it. It’s not going to be a state and I’m not entirely sure what’s going to be left once Israel wins the war. 

  2. 4 minutes ago, Hank_Hill said:

    “If it’s not soccer or beer I’m not paying attention to Ireland . But also soccer sucks and I hate watching or hearing about it.”



    I will indulge soccer fans sometimes, but yes I can only take so much before my eyes glaze over. 

  3. Just now, Brian Fantana said:

    Yeah I fucking wonder why Ireland would be rigidly anti-colonial.

    Sesame Street Mystery GIF by PBS KIDS

    They’re free to their opinion on the matter. My point was that stating “western European nations” support Palestine when it means Ireland and Norway is hilarious and made me laugh. 

  4. 8 minutes ago, InkaUtexas said:

    Yeah, don't think they anticipated global protests in support of Palestine, recognition from Western European Nations of Statehood, and Israel becoming a pariah state closer to how Russia acts than a western style democracy.

    They want their own civilians to die, and a lot of them, but they couldn’t have anticipated Israel actually exterminating them to this degree. I know I sure as hell didn’t. No offense to Ireland, but if it’s not soccer or beer, I’m not paying attention to their views of the Middle East.


  5. 59 minutes ago, Pods said:

    Poe is an un-American, fascist boot licker, but he's also one of our longest tenured trolls and y'all are falling for his rope-a-dope schtick. 

    Abbot has done a completely reprehensible thing and pardoned a murdering wanna-be pedo. It is literally indefensible, so Poe is going to troll you to change the topic.

    Now the conversation is no longer about Abbott, but instead, it's about how big of a piece of shit Poe is. Being a piece of shit is something Poe relishes, so you are getting in the mud with a pig and he's enjoying it. 


    Fuck Greg Abbott. Motherfucker is the former Chief Justice of the Texas Supreme Court and the AG. He knows the law and wields it as a cudgel against his fellow Texans. 

    I’m not trolling, as this was the correct decision. I voted in this leadership for these types of decisions, actually. Thankfully you guys are in the minority here in this great state. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Haha 1
    • Fuck You 8
  6. 9 minutes ago, Goredho said:

    Yeah, that was quite the protest to stop the certification of the 2020 election.  But worse than the protestors were the people who organized the whole event and incited people to riot in an attempt to stop the transfer of governance.  Anyway, good on you for having those convictions, and I am sure they will help you make the appropriate decision of who to vote for in November given your core values.

    Absolutely, that guy in the face paint made me tremble. 


    3 minutes ago, Celery Man said:

    If that's what you learned from your daddy I feel bad for your kids.

    He wasn’t perfect, but goddamn I miss him. He was a roughneck that lived on shitty rigs to put food on the table. Great man. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Fuck You 3
  7. 55 minutes ago, Captainant said:

    And love pedophiles, which is a surprising heel turn given your fears of """grooming""" before

    No, he’s my enemy as well. I just have a lot of them. 

    3 minutes ago, Goredho said:

    So, you are a Michael Byrd fan, eh?

    Never heard of him. 

    50 minutes ago, Willfully Horn said:



    Don’t know them. 

  8. 10 minutes ago, PRONG HORN said:



    I literally just registered at Twitter within the last six months.  Never seen it's content before in my life until then except for places like Surly and occasional news bits, TV,  etc.  I do read the commentary of the individual tweets I post here, but I don't check the source's feed and scroll down to "see who they are" before I post.  

    Be glad that Imma and Lab decide to keep tweets available to post, and do not choose to censor some for the purpose of protecting others. 

    When you seek equality for all, you will make choices to reflect that internal realization.  Censoring the "bad people" on twitter just for the purpose of protecting you, is not a manifestation of that equality.  I would never think that I had the right to petition the mods so that I didn't have to see things from Twitter accounts I don't like.  I'm so grateful I've evolved beyond it.  The blade cuts both ways.  Be grateful.   






    Don’t listen to the pussies, keep posting. 

    • Hook 'Em 3
  9. 4 hours ago, Sawbonz said:

    Your first paragraph points out why it was necessary. And there is no age / risk factor  demo that was completely safe from the novel coronavirus. I recently saw a healthy 36 yo patient (33 when she contracted covid pre vaccine) who went into cardiac arrest and coded. She had Covid and mild fever aches and cough but went to ER with chest pain. She was being discharged from the ER after rule out MI (normal ekg and cardiac enzymes < 30 minutes prior to the arrest); they got her back and took her straight to the cath lab where they found complete occlusion of the LAD (widowmaker) and one other artery. 

    so would you rather have had a super rare complication of Covid infection or super rare complication of the vaccine?

    I’m pretty sure I answered that question in my post you quoted. 

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