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Posts posted by thetruth

  1. 23 minutes ago, Jshep34 said:

    With lilshep playing baseball and practice we are missing alot of games. Which seems like a great plan right now. If this team struggles I expect mmp not to be packed anymore considering how the rockets and texans are trending upward. With Yanier doing great just proves how idiotic dusty was and crane for allowing dusty to play maldy so much. Abreu has got to go. Sign a free Agent , move dubon to 1b or bring someone up. This team will barely scratch by with Jake, and abreu out there getting 450 plus at bats. Especially with how pena regressed.

    Listened to Stone Cold Stros today and they talked about signing Brandon Belt because he is still a free agent. I'm not against it because Abreu has been abysmal 

  2. Dusty thank you for your service. You filled a role, and we thank you for it. But get the fuck out. Not intentionally walking Garcia in any scenario half way through the series, not starting Diaz while Maldo fumbles every at bat. I'm done. Get the fuck out. 

    • Hook 'Em 2
  3. I really don't want to be defeatist. But something needs to change. Maybe sitting out the playoffs for a year would do this team some good. Because whatever IT is, they don't have it. I would love to eat my words but this entire year has the stink on it that 2020 did. 

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