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Posts posted by Marshall_Lucky

  1. 49 minutes ago, Beau Vine said:

    This seems to be true in every sport, but especially baseball.

    "All that guy has to do is learn to control his fastball!" 

    "If he can learn to lay off the breaking ball..."


    Years ago when my relative was being recruited in baseball (played for WG @Rice), I had a conversation with a Pirates area scout and this conversation came up. I asked what he looked for most in a high school prospect, “swing and miss” stuff, clean mechanics, physical build, etc. 

    Without hesitation he said, “command of the fastball”, followed by “swing and miss in the zone”. He said, “If they’re not throwing strikes in high school, it’s an issue. Very rare to see someone improve control as they advance in competition”. 
    Stating the obvious, but it’s amazing how many coaches are convinced they can “fix” mechanics and muscle memory.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. 3 hours ago, bschoolprof said:

    He's posting from Alaska. 

    Naw. Out here in the beautiful Chehalem Mountains in Oregon wine country. Surrounded by beaver(s).

    To CTJ's point, if the Pac-12 was still intact, I think it would be a hard pull to get Canham. He's got them rolling, low-pressure gig, young kids in school, PNW guy, blah, blah. 

    The lack of conference affiliation and our checkbook may render all that moot. I'd be thrilled if we could poach him. 

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