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Family Football Trip Restaurants Recommendations


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Happy to recommend several places, but can you provide some more guidance?  Are you looking for restaurants for the whole family?  How old are you boys?  Will you have an adults night out?  In what are of town are you staying?  Budget?

My family is from your neck of the woods and I am down there a lot.  Good thing you are not asking for Mexican food recs, because nothing in Dallas compares to what you can get in the Valley.  Nothing.

What I'd do for some shrimp from the Oyster Bar now, or the caldo de res (with the comida corrida) at the International!

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Not much in and around Arlington that I'm aware of so I think you'll probably want to do your eating in Dallas.  In addition to @DFWTexEx's questions...how long do you plan on staying?  Are we talking one big meal one night or do you need to fill a weekend?

Also, as a side note...how are you so sure already that your team will be in the finals?

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