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Posts posted by skipperj

  1. 2 hours ago, Llogg said:

    If I say, "How many Vicodin do you take in a day?"  and your answer is akin to "My dad's cousin's sister-in-law had a headache like this and she took oxycontin and felt way better," well, fuck you.

    That’s your fault for asking a question you know you won’t get a straight answer to.

    The person that is asked a question is not beholden to the asker’s expectations on how a question is to be answered. Unless they are under oath in a court of law. If you ask me how much is 2+2 and I answer Bunny, go fuck yourself. Bunny is my answer. 

    People that get shitty answers to their questions are either asking shitty questions, or they don’t know enough information about their audience to ask the right questions.

  2. I played craps one time at M on the way into town driving from California. Figured I'd stop and try out the HG craps method for the first time live before stopping at the liquor store and checking into my hotel.

    It seemed really nice, but, like others said, way the fuck south of town. You'd have to take a car anywhere you wanted to go outside of the resort.

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