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Davis Lane

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Posts posted by Davis Lane

  1. So some are saying CDC gave AR some information.

    Others are saying it was someone on the inside.

    But whatever the case may be, AR made the choice to put the information out there.

    He is the responsible party. 

    What Ar's profession is should not outweigh his professionalism.

    Could this be a HIPAA violation?

    If one has to ask that should be enough to deter any actions.

  2. Are "we" arguing over who's the better at being bad or the worse at being "ok"?

    My thoughts....

    CS: He was bad and was given a bad hand and had no support. He wanted Chad Morris as OC but the buyout was too high. Yet the university is shelling out millions for coaches who are no longer coaching here. Losing to Kansas is never forgivable no matter the circumstances. He had to go.

    TH: Not a proven coach but was "hot" because he won two or three games he shouldn't have. All the while losing twice as many he should have won. He had every opportunity to bring in an excellent staff and yet he brought in his buddies. My somewhat excitement for his hire died there. I remember seeing the bunch downtown at Coopers after TO was hired. I was not impressed by the presentation. They all looked like a bunch of frat boys that were just given the keys to the stadium. Maybe it was a gut feeling. Maybe it was shell shock post CS.

    In any event the last three hires ended in firings. That is normal but the trajectory that this program has fallen has left the country as a whole speechless. 

    It's time to move on boys....and gals.

    Mack is gone ( I still say he fucked us with Saban).

    Charlie is gone.

    And fortunately, despite his great wins. Tom is gone.

    That's all I got.

    Peace out, yo.

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