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Get ln My Van

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Posts posted by Get ln My Van

  1. 2 hours ago, theaveragejon said:

    Are they 6-3 yet? 

    7-2 with zero shot at a title, again.

    Not saying we don’t look like ass, but to act like A&M is some far superior program that can’t be caught up to fucking quickly is ridiculous.

    Let’s see how this offseason shapes up before we tuck our tails between our legs and concede victory to a historically middling program.

  2. 34 minutes ago, victory88 said:

    You should give a shit who commits to them…. Because most of them are players we’re trying to get.  And we’re going to be playing them in a few years.  Trying to beat them with recruits they passed on isn’t going to be a recipe for success.  We have some moronic posters here. 

    We have the number 6 class in the country lol.

    Forgive me for not spilling pussy juice over a 5 star DT on a perennially loser team.

    • Fuck You 1
  3. Just now, squeegeedegg said:

    Doing what they're doing is literally how to prove otherwise.  Why does past history matter one bit?  Blind homerism is stupid as fuck and you should feel bad.  If we can't bring ourselves to be motivated to compete on the terms of modern college football when our biggest rival is all in then we will continue to fall to doormat status and things will never improve, and it will be fully deserved

    What makes you think we’re not competing on the terms of modern cfb? Because we’re in the first year of our new coach and haven’t had good 4th quarters?

    I’d rather run out to early leads and need to fine tune finishing/conditioning under a first year coach than be facing 6-3 in the 4th year of my 75 million guaranteed head coach lol. Fuck off.

  4. 2 minutes ago, fattyflattie said:

    Yeah it’s way better having like 3 players that might, maybe, start for them.  

    Not saying we’re in awesome shape with our roster.

    They’re 6-2 (soon to be 6-3) in the year they were supposed to compete… quit being pussies because they got a 5 star player committed.

    We will win the SEC before they do.

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