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Get ln My Van

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Posts posted by Get ln My Van

  1. I’ll raise an eyebrow if Leal commits to aggy and doesn’t visit for our spring game, but even then I won’t really give a fuck because it’s only April and we’ve got a total of 4 commits on the board with a hell of a long ride ahead.

    In other words, piss off pussies.

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  2. 4 minutes ago, Vic Mackey said:
    14 minutes ago, Get ln My Van said:
    Cutting Dez is a mistake made in classic Cowboy fashion.

    No. Keeping players who aren't performing and is an issue with the team would be classic Cowboys. Finally they don't have this blind loyalty. Only if they took this stance with Witten.

    As of now our best reciever is an often injured Jaguar release. Maybe he comes in and makes us forget Dez, but I wouldn’t count on it with this clown of a HC and OC.

  3. 18 minutes ago, victory88 said:

    I think we'll need 3 things to fall in place for Green to pick Texas.  Having aggy's DC's brother on his coaching may make it difficult for Herman.

    1. Win 9-10 games

    2.  Aggy needs to win 7 or less

    3.  Land Sheppard.  


    I think we need 2 things.

    1. Red to hand over the keys

    2. Kate 

  4. Just watched Cine’s highlights and one clip is of him blocking a fg attempt. Cine belongs at Texas. I remember the Mack Brown years when we were one of the best punt/fg blocking teams in the country.

    He and Catalon would be a hell of a follow up to the 2018 safety class.

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