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Posts posted by OWLVIS

  1. Fred Rogers saw the terrible potential of television and technology and did something positive instead of just bitching.

    The "pedo" vibe is an adult interpretation of how he spoke to kids directly yet still on their level. We're cynical and distrusting of kindness.  So we read into it. And often for damn good reasons , people in general suck.

    But we all need friends


    • Like 4
  2. I hate who I've become. Im angry ( and some friends admit I have the right to be, but its still no fun)  Mother is still a black-hearted  cunt, sister still  fighting cancer  And now I have to deal with my 3rd job loss in 4 years. 1.Contract ended 2 Unexpected Election results 3 Statewide project on Economic Development closing 2 years ahead of schedule.  Also 2 floods Tax-day and Harvey. Damage to the house and vehicle   And the Cat died. 

    Everybody says just pick yourself up, brush yourself off and go on. But how many times can you do that? All the savings are gone, there is nothing left. And there are still unresolved issues with the house, I can no longer help my sister, I have nothing to offer and for the 3rd Holiday of the last 4 I'm unemployed and no one finds a job in Nov. Dec. and the lights may be turned off mid Dec.

    I honestly believe that God means for me to fail, and I cant beat God, every night I pray that I die in the night, as I drive I look for that out of control 18 wheeler that hopefully will hit me.I wish there were a shooting spree that I could jump in the middle of and go out with some dignity

    I dont plan on killing myself I wont give the assholes that have contributed to this situation the satisfaction And thats where the hate comes in.its all I have to keep me going but hate kills.

    but not quick enough.

    And thats where I am in life

  3. 20 hours ago, PatrickMcHorn said:

    This it's close to former home. My ex-wife works with special-needs kids, and would come home with knots on her head twice a week. She always said that they're so unpredictable, but she had three kids she was responsible for, wasn't allowed to hold any of them, and they were five.

    She also totaled every car we ever owned.

    was she letting the retarded kids drive?

    • Like 5
  4. 9 minutes ago, TexasBeta said:

    Now that is a winner csb!

    I doubt they'd let a 4 year old into a prison now- a -days. So much of this show reminds me of so many different moments in my life.

    Grandfather was a tent revivalists in Texas Okie, Arky and LA. So all those early episodes were familiar.  And this Charlie Pride segment reminds me of the time my Dad was excited to take me  to a Charlie Pride show, telling me he had also been a baseball player ( Dad was subtle about the social justice lessons ).  Also took me to see Elvis at the HLSR. 

    • Like 1
  5. On 9/20/2019 at 8:39 AM, Jerry Callo said:

    San Quentin.  I really like how the show connects the dots between so many of the personalities.  Haggard/Cash, Elvis/Cash, Nelson/Wills, etc.

    Family is from Texas,  dad was a preacher. Parents moved to California after serving as missionaries to the Navajo nation. Eventually moving to Central /Northern California where he has a part time prison ministry . Which is how as a 4 y old I sang on the same stage as Johnny Cash.


    Not at the same time, not even the same show, just the same physical stage.

    • Like 4
  6. 49 minutes ago, ruitxn said:

    Very nice win for Owls.  Your team played a spirited and solid game.  Congrats.  But win a Nat or two and a few final fours and we might talk about the WORM.

    Yes, But Im gonna talk smack now, just in case it takes just a long to win another one as its taking to get to the moon again.

  7. I had nothing to do with the win ,and Im not a fan of trash talk on the back of someone elses accomplishment . But it was nice for the program to finally beat the class Women's VB program in the state.


    the worm had turned 




    so suck on that Horns!!!

  8. 3 minutes ago, Js1 said:

    Stfu. Even space city weather Didn’t  see this coming. Don’t make it political. This shit is extremely unpredictable at times. The school districts should have been more cautious. 

    suck my balls this was about experience, "Space City Weather" .... pfftt

  9. Ed Emmett would have gone with the wettest prediction and urged for more caution and closures, then the Schools would have followed.

    IF County Judge declares the emergency dist. can get a waiver for the missed days from State if necessary

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