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Posts posted by Kdub

  1. On the track limits. They need to be consistent. But it's pretty clear, you can not pass another vehicle while outside of track limits, they'll make you give the place back. That's always been enforced. Red Bull has no standing. And besides fuck Max, great driver, monster douche.

  2. 17 hours ago, softlynow said:

    The lesson is when you realize something is rotten, move on. I've been a Texan fan, but had not read or heard anything about Easterby. Now that I have, and learned about the prosperity theology beliefs of the McNair's, the dysfunction and incompetence of the Texan administration makes sense. They've been taken in by a philosophy that is, in reality, simply meant to enable grifters, and they've now promoted one to Executive Vice President of Football Operations. A fucking conman preacher.

    Jerry Jones shouldn't be mentioned in a conversation with these clowns. He's 100x the owner that Cal is. If I had Texans gear, I'd be donating it in short order.

    Edit to add: Hell, he fucking looks like a conman pederast:


    I thought that was Moby 

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