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Posts posted by Majorcholas

  1. On 10/16/2018 at 3:24 PM, Napoleon said:

    So the Baylor fuck goes in with his helmet to smack Sam's throwing shoulder and doesn't even get flagged, not to mention getting tossed for targeting?

    Am I understanding this correctly?


    This read like a texags postgame temper tantrum. Man up. He got hit. It happens.

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  2. 7 hours ago, jinx said:

    I thought you could put as many people ON the line as you want, it is how many are off the line that may draw a flag.

    Correct. You need at least 7 on the LOS. You can have more, but as someone else remembered correctly....CJ got his helmet knocked off, sub came in and lined up off the line when he was supposed to be ON and count as one of the 7. Penalty. We scored anyway I think.

    the reason they do it is to mess with automatic alignments defenses have. It’s what I would consider the new spread way of going “unbalanced”. Like a power I team having two te’s on one side back in the day. It makes the defense look for it constantly because you can be at a disadvantage if they don’t recognize.

    the name of the game is alignment and if you can get the defense in a bad one you have an advantage. Make it as complicated as you can for them. Easy for you to prepare, hard for them to prepare is a no brainer.

  3. 2 observations about how much we have improved:

    1) the first play on the wheel route out of the backfield. It’s impressive we can pull this off this year because you are losing one player from pass protection. The 5 lineman are responsible for the pass rush. We would have struggled last year without an insert from the rb. When your players are better it opens up things you can do.

    2) the outside zone qb keep we have used to such great effect this year is the same thing we got crushed on last year. The board would explode with “beck sucks” and mensamoron comments. It actually works schematically and we aren’t losing one on one battles this year. Having a healthy blocking tight end has made this play and others work now when they didn’t in the past.

    nice to see us able to add wrinkles and able to take advantage of outnumbering the defense. And now that we don’t suck....voila it works!

  4. 1 hour ago, Longhornmaniac8 said:

    I mean, look at the drive chart. We had punted the ball once until our offense went into conservative mode. Those two 3-and-outs and one 6-and-out completely killed any momentum we had. 

    Edit: It wasn't the offense, per se, it was the playcalling.

    I would say If shack had not decided to start tackling linebackers we would have done the same thing we did all game.

  5. 11 hours ago, Katfid54 said:

    Agree, and I'm all for it.  We got 18 yards on the back-to-back QB power, and it set up our ability to use that formation for the rest of the game.  Earlier this year, we ran zone read against Tulsa something like 8 or 9 times in a row.

    My only point was that we can't say these four play calls show that Beck is no longer calling plays.  They don't actually provide useful data points one way or the other.  It's more likely that this was a script of plays that they wanted to run at a certain point.

    I would almost guarantee this was something they saw on film. Knew they could put a defender in conflict with a certain formation and then motion to empty to not allow them to check to an “empty alignment”.

    its great coaching and preparation.

  6. 12 hours ago, bigcigar said:

    Interesting...no idea how they get away with ineligible receivers downfield on those RPOs

    It happens pretty fast so I don’t think they get downfield too far. But I rarely see it called. Maybe once I can remember. A big mantra refs are trained with is if the didn’t see the “whole play” don’t throw a flag. That applies to a lot things but in this instance I think this is how they get away with it so much.

    there is a big debate in the coaching world about the ethics of the rpo or pop pass. Especially at the high school level is it okay to teach kids to get away with things even though you know you aren’t following the rules with ineligibles downfield?

    interesting stuff.

    p.s. It’s fun to have football talk on the football board!

  7.  If you are interested in how k state is so unique in what they do this is an interesting article. It’s older data but it’s the same objectives and coach. It’s pretty cool in its simplicity and thought some of you may enjoy checking it out. Has explanations and video of their Qb rpo schemes.



    Pretty cool brand of football.


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