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Posts posted by mulletpelini

  1. 12 hours ago, Incredulity said:

    I think Fred's drops get overdone.  Not that I really want to hear what Robin has to say, but when he plays the Nicaragua(or whatever) parade music over and over it gets to be a bit much.  Also, when he gets really going on the Ronnie imitation it gets to my nerves.  A bit of it is funny, but I don't need to hear, "YEAH HAAA!!!!, PUSSY JUICE TREEKS ASS GOBLET!!!!" twenty times in a row.


    Oh you are completely missing the beauty of that drop.  He does it to piss her the fuck off, which it does, every fucking time.  He does it for all of us.

  2. On 4/9/2018 at 8:51 AM, JimmyHoffa said:

    I missed this last week but over the weekend caught exactly what makes Fred so fucking good. 

    While discussing with Ronnie, Howard asked if he could take the probe up to the next ring and Fred starts playing the Olympics theme literally a second later. 

    1. How the hell did he think of that so quickly and found the drop right away?

    2. It was funny as hell and absolutely perfect. 

    Fred is good no doubt.  I think he and Howard discuss things ahead of the show to have a direction and probably talk about some drops ahead of time to have them ready because he is just so gotdamn precise.  The only reason I think this is that there are other times, really easy times, where I'm anticipating a drop that he's played before that would fit the moment and he either doesn't play it or throws it in really late.  It doesn't hurt either that he probably knows the directions Howard might go that they don't even discuss while Howard is going into them, because they've worked together so long.

  3. 4 hours ago, XYZ said:

    There are parts of the prequels that I could watch again, for example the fight between Obiwan and his mentor and Maul, or some of the scenes with Christopher Lee, because he’s awesome. But there isn’t a single scene in TLJ that I would bother to watch again. The humor is terrible. Leia Poppins. Snoke’s unceremonious death. Purple hair. Grumpy, bitchy, cowardly old Luke. This movie was a big fuck you to all the people who watched the original movies as kids. Duly noted.

    Hell the 20 minute podrace was better than this whole fucking movie.  I don't know what the fuck that guy in the video watched, but he seems to have fallen in love with the way the movie was filmed as opposed to the fact that the story sucked.  You can give me all the great fucking fight scenes you want, if theres not a fucking story worth a shit behind it, it won't fucking matter.

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  4. On 4/9/2018 at 10:15 AM, mdmost said:

    John Williams is doing the score so it will sound like a Star Wars movie. But it's not going to have the usual fanfare, similar to Rogue One. Rogue One wasn't scored by John Williams. I'll add, it will probably have a lot of variations on Han and Chewie themes from the OT. Similar to Williams score for TFA and TLJ such as the slowed down Han and Leia theme in the trailer for TFA.

    R1 did have some goofy music in some parts

  5. I'm a competitive motherfucker.  I'm Baker Mayfield passionate which leads us to this.

    pickup basketball game, most untalented slow slothy motherfucker is guarding me, just hanging all over me because he has no skills.  I'm just playing on getting more and more angry about it and decide, with the ball on the wing, I'm gonna posterize this motherfucker and end this shit!  I dunked the fuck out of that asshole, his face was in my nuts and I slammed that fucker home with the force of Thor's hammer.  I guess my body was so tense from the anger that when I landed my right knee buckled and I tore my ACL.  Heard the snap, everyone cleared the floor and I sat there thinking I just broke my motherfucking leg.  Can't go full Mayfield.

  6. On 4/2/2018 at 8:38 PM, TrojanPrincess said:

    They're also delusional.  After the game, we walked out chanting "We Are....SC!", a chant that originated on the USC campus in the 1930s.  Several PS fans yelled back to "get your own cheer". We just smirked back, but it is on record the 1977 PSU cheerleaders that started the chant heard it on a televised USC game.  Idiots.



  7. On 3/26/2018 at 4:33 PM, kevwun said:

    There's just no way it's going to be good with a lead actor who struggled so much they had to hire an acting coach.

    How hard is to just be a fucking asshole.  I mean, that's really all Ford is, and it's pretty much the way he is IRL.  It's so gotdamn easy, even a mullet could do it.


    10 minutes ago, mdmost said:


    You're gonna die here you know.  Convenient. 

  8. 3 hours ago, Hanrahan said:

    The Last Jedi is the only Star Wars movie I have seen once. I walked out of the theatre like the Jacksonville Jaguars guy. Sequels were shit show train wrecks destined to be shit from the drawing board. TLJ had the raw pieces to be a good to awesome story. But the story line was shit. Just dumb. Luke’s final run was shit. Rose is a mongoloid twat. Benecio del Toro had no business in the movie. I’ll shut up now with confidence these feelings plus others have been rehashed ad nauseam.



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