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Whitewater Horn

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Posts posted by Whitewater Horn

  1. 35 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    Counterpoint to the gun discussion: while I agree that we’re sick in the head with our obsession with ARs….the fucking right wingers already have them. And are itching to use them. Whether it be a solo mass shooting, or as a fake militia/brownshirts acting on orders from Cheeto Benito someday, they want to use them. On you.

    So….I have pretty much turned the corner in this one, ESPECIALLY for anyone left of center: you should arm the fuck out of yourself. Get an AR, learn to use it, and be ready. See, the gravy seals think they’re the only ones who can shoulder a weapon and pull a trigger. I look forward to surprising them.

    I know most left of center people are not ready to accept that yet, but I certainly agree with the sentiment. There are many people in this county with a misguided notion of patriotism who are itching to spill blood for the cause. The AR platform is, for the most part, their weapon of choice. Β High capacity mags, easy & accurate, plentiful ammo, inflicts horrific damage, and it’s appearance strikes fear in the hearts of most liberals.Β 

    Like you, I think the majority of these people living in the fantasy world of stolen elections, white replacement, and whatever other manufactured grievances driving them to the extreme right end of the spectrum, see anyone to the left of them as soft targets. They cannot wrap their heads around the idea that many of us are veterans, true patriots who support the ideals of a democracy above support for a political party or politician, and that many of us also grew up with firearms and that we will absolutely defend ourselves, or families, our communities, and our country.

    It’s a strange and surreal feeling to even write this. I desperately hope I never have to draw a firearm on another human being for any reason - the thought sickens me. At the same time, I’m quietly keeping up my firearms skills, my physical fitness, BJJ, my mental acuity, and situational awareness, because I know there are other Americans who would label me as an enemy & traitor if they discovered my politics and philosophy. I hope anyone to the left of this madness has their own version of preparedness. I am not a gun or 2A fanatic. I get looks from these idiots all the time because my high school aged children are black. They are activism minded and will sometimes rock apparel with BLM or similar social messaging. I’ve tried to walk a tightrope of encouraging my kids to be themselves and proud of what they support, but to also be aware that some will use those displays of pride as a target. Hopefully we will find our way out of this insanity peacefully, but it’s also wise to be informed and prudent to be adequately prepared, whatever that means to each person individually.Β 

    • Hook 'Em 5
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  2. 32 minutes ago, victory88 said:

    At this point, I really have no desire to speak or be friends with anyone that supports this shit, family or not. Β  There needs to be regulations on guns. Β You don’t need ARs for hunting or to protect yourself. Β Allow hunting rifles and handguns and limit how many a person can buy. Β Must go through a year of courses and must carry insurance. Β Must need to take continuing education every 2 years to maintain weapon license. Β 

    I’m a healthcare professional and what I do would never even remotely kill a person. Β Yet I had to go through school for 8 years, had to take multiple board tests, am required to hold insurance and take 12 hours of CE a year to maintain my license. Β Yet an 18 year can go buy a deadly weapon that can take lives with no requirements. Β The fuck is wrong with this country and why the fuck won’t reasonable and responsible gun owners hold their politicians accountable? Β Especially those with kids. Β 

    But, but, but, β€œSHALL NOT BE INFRINGED!!!!”

    That’s all they can repeat without taking the time to interpret and understand the subtleties of that amendment. As a lifelong, but not fanatical, gun owner, I completely agree. Some more stringent regulation is more than reasonable, far from tyranny, and long overdue.Β 

    • Hook 'Em 2
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  3. 8 minutes ago, Bill Brasky said:

    well then.Β  Β things just got turned up a notchΒ 

    No kidding. Wow. I had no idea the third episode came out today. I was up sick and reading shit online until I could get back to sleep when I saw mention of an Episode 3 watch party. Β Now I’m not sure I want to fall asleep. Parts of that were terrifying.Β 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. With every one of these I’ve either known it from the first segment or not at all. This game covers a LOT of time and genres.Β 

    • Like 1
  5. 59 minutes ago, Not a cat said:

    I read this post before starting watching so I had my eye out.

    Saw Hanks (minor BOB character but still counts), and recognized Wild Bill but probably wouldn't have if I hadn't been looking.Β Β 

    Who else?Β  Was Perconte one of the Colombo bodyguards?Β Β 

    Also, this show is fabulous.Β  I was going to let my subscription to Paramount plus lapse, but every time I think I'm out, they pull me back in.

    Hanks was an easy one to spot. I think you’re right about the Perconte actor being in the Colombo crew. Β Guarnere as Sinatra was another easy spot, and I also caught Toye & Liebgott playing FBI agents talking to Al after an incident in the show. I’ll be curious to see which ones I’ve missies so far. The English playing Evans is killing it.Β 

  6. Wordle 311 4/6


    Daily Quordle 92
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  7. Wordle 310 4/6

    Happy to get par today.Β 

    Daily Quordle 91
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  8. Wordle 309 3/6


    Daily Quordle 90
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  9. Wordle 308 3/6


    Daily Quordle 89
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    • Hook 'Em 1
  10. Wordle 307 2/6


    Daily Quordle 88
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    Β Pretty damn good (or lucky) day on both games. Maybe I’ll buy one of them lottery tickets today.Β 

    • Hook 'Em 3
  11. Wordle 306 4/6

    This one took awhile between the second and third guesses.Β 

    Daily Quordle 87
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    Second massive double fail inside a week. Time to change up my opening words Β 


  12. Wordle 305 3/6


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    • Hook 'Em 1
  13. Wordle 304 6/6

    That’s the closest I’ve come to a bust in awhile. Right word at the right time. It cold have been so many other words.Β 

    Daily Quordle 85
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    • Hook 'Em 1
  14. Wordle 303 3/6


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  15. Wordle 302 3/6


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    • Hook 'Em 1
  16. Wordle 301 3/6


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    Massive quordle fail todayΒ 

    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Fuck Around and Find Out 2
  17. Wordle 300 4/6

    2nd day in a row I’ve had to find the word with no letters in the wrong place

    Daily Quordle 81
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