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Austin Orange

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Posts posted by Austin Orange

  1. 25 minutes ago, zlavydra said:

    Can't wait to see who we roll out to the mound with three games in the next four days. Anyone know why el Rey de Jamon was pulled after two innings? Didn't seem like a major injury 


  2. 46 minutes ago, Austin Orange said:

    To be clear, it went single, HBP, HBP, then Pierce realized the maybe Beau didn’t have his good stuff and went to his fight fielder for relief, Single.

    2 hits, 2 HBP, 0 outs after a 7 run rally by the offense.



    17 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

    Pretty sure Ridgeway gave up the second single.  There was talk of McGuire but it didn't happen.

    Shit. You’re right. I turned on and watched that half of half inning too.  I swore he called for McGuire and he was switching gloves and shit. Drinking a lot of beer too, so who knows.

    Checking the box score, looks like Beau gave up the two hits and two HBPs with only 8 total pitches. Really efficient little outing.

    Pierce does have an eye for pitching. Glad he stuck with Ridgeway but pulled Nolan after 2.



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  3. 9 hours ago, TwiceHorn said:

    So, we fucking tie it up in the T9.

    And load the fucking bases with no outs in the B9:  HBP HBP Single.

    Un.  Fucking.  Real.

    To be clear, it went single, HBP, HBP, then Pierce realized the maybe Beau didn’t have his good stuff and went to his fight fielder for relief, Single.

    2 hits, 2 HBP, 0 outs after a 7 run rally by the offense.


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