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Posts posted by Lidig8r

  1. 12 hours ago, Doc Daneeka said:


    Fuck, though, if it can keep me from weaponizing my grief to attack my memories of her or feelings about her as a way of lessening this crushing bullshit, it would be worth it so I have to try. That’s my only real fear in this. If I have to be sad forever in exchange for my time with her, then I’ll be sad forever. I’ll take that hit and I’ll make that trade and I’d do it again, eyes wide open. But I am not willing to diminish who she was and who she was to me as some sad sack, chickenshit way of trying to make tolerable my remaining time on this rock. 

    Fuckin A. You are a man. You are a great, big man.

    And maybe you tell the therapist you want to focus on those issues. When you find a rock, solid place to keep her in your heart, when you find that place where you have the freedom and joy of honoring her... I believe you will find that everything else will fall into place.

    Be strong! Be resilient! And I hope you find that one person, that therapist with whom you can give yourself the grace and courage to be vulnerable.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. On 5/20/2024 at 12:33 PM, Doc Daneeka said:

    For those joining the story mid-season: the absolute love of my life who also felt the same way about me — to the point it stretches the bounds of mere luck and circumstance almost enough to make this atheist believe in something more — died in January.

    Now, as much as I fight against it, I feel like I’m being pulled into the event horizon of this kind of bullshit. 


    Long story still long, how do I find a counselor/therapist/whatever with whom I can mesh at least a little? It feels like it’s going to be a combination of trial and error combined with geographic convenience (or virtual sessions). Is that all there is to it? Are they all pretty much working from the same manual? Are there any questions beyond “You any good with handling loss of a spouse?” that I should be asking?


    Doc, when you are first introduced to a therapist, look upon it as their audition to you. Why should you automatically trust them? Why should you be expected to immediately open up to a stranger? That is crap.

    Ask any question you want.  The therapist should be willing to answer anything. You are trusting your heart, your soul, your anguish to this person. And like any relationship, it will take time. Take a look at this website for possible questions to ask.


    Trust is a 2 way street. THEY have to establish credibility with you.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  3. 5 hours ago, hookemATL said:

    Sooooo tell me about this breed bc my wife just called and said she is adopting a 4mo vizla puppy. 

    Are you getting him/her from a breeder in Livingston? If so, I can give you the breeder's phone number. She has been breeding and showing them in competitions for 17 years.

    They are high energy, loyal, smart, stubborn, learn fast, beautiful, great with kids and very much own the name, "Velcro Dog."

    Here is what the AKC says about them:




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  4. 13 hours ago, rage-a-holic said:

    We have separate bathrooms. Despite the fact she has a trash can full of shitty TP, she's a germaphobe and cleans her bathroom 2-3 times a week. 

    I clean my bathroom only after the piles of trash/clothes turn sentient and try to ingest my feet.

    And Mexican TP cans usually have a cover, so they don't really smell unless you leave it open.

    About $300 from Home Depot. Warms the seat, cleanses, warm air blower to dry.  Minimal use of Tp just to make sure. No walking around with small bits of fecal matter in Tp on your ass. Greatness.


    • Hook 'Em 2
  5. Let's see ...

    If Kentucky had fired Calipari they would have owed him about $35 million.

    Calipari is going to sign a 5 year contract with the Toothless Hillbillies for about $8 million annually. An amount below what he would be paid at Kentucky.

    3 weeks ago, Kentucky announced the start up of a new NIL fund in which Calipari was involved, La Familia. 


    Gentlemen... there appears to be a polecat in the woodpile regarding this move.

  6. With regard to the Irate 8/Whatever Conference ... and our new Conference mates in the SECSECSEC...

    "I will think about them with that stupid look on their faces ... I'll finish my coffee, leave the paper for Sid to wrap fish in, and never think of them again."

    When you hate someone or something, that occupies space in your head... rent free space. They don't deserve it.

    The opposite of love is NOT hate but apathy.

    When they think of us, they can hate or fear us. As for us ... why think of them at all?

    • Hook 'Em 1
  7. 8 hours ago, Hagbard Celine said:

    It's one thing to rail on aggy for never winning anything

    but it's *almost* worth the pain and suffering to expose lobotomized milkmen gesticulation to the audience that only shows up for national title games

    the average american has never seen milkmen, much less tra-la-la

    yes, we risk a Trophy for The Hall

    but assuming they choke and lose, the payoff would be spectacular


    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Haha 3
  8. So, my fellow Surlytians, I did not see this anywhere yet, so fearless leaders, merge if and where appropriate.

    Apparently, in January of this year, Dak Prescott received a demand letter from a young lady alleging Dak had engaged in inappropriate and unwelcomed acts of dilation & curettage ("rape") with her in 2017.  Problem 1 ... it was sent to Mississippi State... and not him.

    Problem 2 ... since the civil statute of limitations has expired for sexual assault in both Mississippi and Texas, any claim at this point would be dismissed and in all likelihood, the attorney would be sanctioned by the court.

    Problem 3 ... with that in mind, the young lady's Rhodes Scholar attorneys make ... an extortion demand.  Pay her $100,000,000 and we will forego pursuing criminal charges and making this information public. Ouch. Yikes. It is a clear violation to threaten criminal prosecution to gain an advantage in a civil procedure.

    So, Dak files a lawsuit in Collin County, attaching the letter and suing... not just the young lady.. but the attorneys as well.  DOUBLE YIKES!

    This is NOT going to end well for the attorneys representing the young lady.  Dak's attorneys will get her to flip on her attorneys, she will undoubtedly say it was the attorney's idea, the attorney's D&O carrier will defend... will pay some amounts to Dak which he will then donate. 

    Her attorneys will get sanctioned by the Bar. 

    A copy of the Complaint (with the demand letter attached is here):


    • Hook 'Em 2
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    • Rage+1 1
    • Drool 1
  9. 33 minutes ago, YGIFS said:

    Gather around children.  ‘Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house.  Yadayadayada, lost the games, got drunk, and the waitress I paid for sex was ugly as fuck.  

    RIP, Mr. Dunn 

    HOLY CRAP!  I'M DEAD NOW!!!! ????? Maybe only from the waist down!


  10. Gents, we went to La Stella Cucina Verace last night.

    it is across the street from the Myerson on Flora in the Arts District.

    Everything about the experience was incredible. Solo live music performer who understands she is background music. Smallish restaurant. Great atmosphere.

    As we were talking with the waitress, the GM came over introduced himself. Engaged him in about a 10 minute conversation. He went into who the owner is, how the owner goes to Italy at least 3 times a year to take in different restaurants, how the owner took the managerial staff to other Italian restaurants in North Texas to continue to get ideas.

    The food? Delicious.

    We started with wha they call, PB&J. It is prosciutto di parma, with burrata and a fig jam. Great flavor that came together.

    The entree we had was Agnolotti Pizzicati... a gnocchi filled with ossobuco, and a sage butter, veal reduction sauce.  Damn near perfection.


     Complimentary house made Limoncello.

    Dessert was a Bundino Americano ... warm, white chocolate bread pudding with vanilla gelato.

    Prices aren't too bad.

    Exceptional food and service!

    • Hook 'Em 2
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  11. Holy Fuckballs! I don't know why this story popped into my head tonight.  So, l looked it up on here ... and bingo.

    Then saw the author was J.D. Horne.

    A University of Houston Law Center grad ... 1997. AND.. he was editor in chief of the Houston Journal of International Law.

    Well shit.

    I was Editor in Chief of the Houston Journal of International Law in 1984! I was going through some really old bidness cards I have kept around for decades ... and THIS was found!

    So, this story hits close to home!

    Rest well J.D. Horne you Mad Man! There are too few of you in the world today.



    • Hook 'Em 1
  12. 14 hours ago, Serak The Preparer said:

    I can only guess he's burning the midnight oil working with @Lidig8r to help with prior chicken-shitedness before coming back to address his own chicken-shitedness in this thread.

    Scratching my head on this one.

    After all, I've only helped get a number of LBGTQ young people get into treatment centers for much needed therapy. Have planned plenary discussions with LBGTQ persons to give at mental health conferences. Started planning an event in 2019 with many LBGTQ activists in the Dallas area before COVID hit. As a person on the Board of Directors of Mental Health America of Greater Dallas, helped plan this years Adolescent Symposium held 2 weeks ago. Oh... along with a well known doctor, gave a presentation to both Raytheon and Apple regarding mental health and eating disorders.  Both talks were broadcast on those companies' internal networks to all of their employees in the U.S.

    Too many things to list regarding mental health, eating disorders, including interaction with the LBGTQ community... but... ok.

    So, Serak old sport, I'd be more than happy to match my credentials against yours anytime regarding work done in the mental health community.

    Oh... and if you want to put your money where your mouth is ... I recommend reaching out to Project HEAL. This 501(c)(3) is dedicated to eating disorders primarily in the LBGTQ community. I started their North Texas Chapter. You (or anyone else for that matter), can donate to them here:


    Have a good day.

    • Hook 'Em 2
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  13. 3 hours ago, Longboard Horn said:

    So one of my oldest nephews has shown some interest in Florida and will be making a campus visit sometime this spring. @Gatorubet @gatormarc @locodos @Lidig8r @DallasGatr and any other Florida guys here, tell me a few things about the campus and it's culture. None of us have ever been to Gainesville and my brother is curious about the school, it's traditions and things to do in town. 

    I am a Texas guy, living in Dallas.

    In the wayward days of my youth, I did engage in acts of inflagrante delecto with a coed from UF.

    But, that is about the extent of my knowledge of Gainesville.  Unless we are speaking of Gainesville, Texas.

  14. 30 minutes ago, nnm said:

    Very sweet. Is that your blog?

    Yes.  Have written many articles about mental health, eating disorders, my daughter.

    Am now going after some bad actors in the community.

    Sometimes our soul finds us in the most tragic ways and its path is set before us.

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  15. 14 minutes ago, GhostOfTomJoad said:


    Does this guy looks like he has a Plan B?

    Nice suit. John, Phillips, London. Rumor has it that Arafat buys his there.

    Or not. (you can tell by the sleeve buttons on the suit coat.  A quality suit has buttons that actually operate like buttons. A real dandy leaves one unbuttoned.)

  16. On 1/30/2024 at 5:26 PM, Doc Daneeka said:

    Well, the shit keeps flowing. 

    My SO of almost seven years, to whom I’d have been married if not for the somewhat arcane web of organ-transplant financing/insurance, died at 52 of cardiac arrest last night.

    The bedroom is a disaster area that looks like it was invaded by EMTs. Which it was. The hallway is strewn with bottles of all manner of anti-rejection drugs, along with makeup, a chair, and whatever else had to be tossed aside to make room. The kitchen is full of her collection of mugs and myriad things that remind me of her. I have no haven from this assault anywhere in my own home. I have zero inclination to touch any of it right now  

    My mind can’t get rid of the image of the person I love most in the world, after my daughters, flopped on the floor with eyes wide open and not breathing, while I’m futilely trying CPR as a drone on the phone reads from a script telling me what a good job I’m doing and to keep going.

    Because that’s not yet enough of a nightmare, I also can’t stop hearing the ululating wail of her mother upon entering the trauma room and seeing her daughter. “Mija, mijaaaaa, por qué dios, por queeeee. ¿Por qué no yooooo?“

    I’m caught between having an introvert’s completely drained social battery and dreading being alone. I can’t not be with her family but I don’t know how to deal with one more “she loved you so much” without going to pieces. And now more of her family is flying in and I get to be the adult in front the the five year old niece who worshipped the ground she walked and who still cries every time we leave. 

    Carloads of people are on their way from Love Field and I need to be there when they get to her mother’s house. This definitely ails me between the ears. I’m starting to question whether this mortal coil is all it’s cracked up to be. Two daughters, a mother, and two doggos will keep me here, but I’m not super excited about the prospect at the moment. No, I don’t need a wellness check, but fuuuuuuuuuuck.

    Doc, I am in North Dallas.  I have been through hell and gone in terms of death in the last 4 years or so.  If you need a fellow Longhorn to escape with if just for a few hours, get in touch with me.  I won't have any words of wisdom. I am not in your place or living your emotions.  But just know .... you are not alone.

    I would simply say ... allow yourself to feel your full range of emotions. Don't hold back. At this time, don't listen to therapists.  Give yourself the grace to simply ... feel, to mourn, to grieve. The manner in which we grieve is as unique as our fingerprints. You don't need to be strong for anyone, let alone yourself.

    All the best,



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  17. On 1/5/2024 at 7:14 PM, Modessit said:
    On 1/5/2024 at 8:23 AM, Sandman said:
    I started keeping my insurance card on my sun visor, so I don't get shot by an antsy cop when I have to reach in the glovebox to get it.

    Cops don't ask for insurance cards anymore. They can look it up on their system.

    I was gonna throw the bullshit card on this, but did some quick research on the line, and found out that is pretty much accurate.  Who knew? I learned something new today.


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