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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by HenryJames

  1. I went for a walk at 4:30. Can confirm.
  2. https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/philadelphia-child-sent-daycare-measles-153912019.html
  3. Fuck was he going to Alabama for anyway? Acting like Sark was still there and shit. SMH.
  4. He and DeBoer bonded over their mutual love of The Blues Brothers, Alan Jackson, and green beans.
  5. It’s been apparent for some time that he was molested.
  6. They had to know they weren’t getting Bond. Elk out front should have told them.
  7. We should really pay attention to [checks notes] Geoff Ketchum.
  8. Wind a few days ago cleared my leaves quietly for free.
  9. Who at Auburn is going to throw Williams the ball?
  10. There’s not a lot of DTs on any roster who can consistently beat double teams.
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