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Posts posted by Cameltoe

  1. 23 minutes ago, AUS-97HORN said:

    there is a clear screen shot above showing contact with the leg BEFORE the ball is touched- which is what VAR is supposed to help the ref confirm, and yet you claim its a good no-PK call after the rest of us say its a bad call?

    Really? You think that should've been a penal on the Colombian defender? The defender got to the ball with his foot, then the Senegalese forward flopped over him to get a penal call. Of course the Senegal guy is going to do this, since he had no real chance of scoring in the live play but has a huge chance of scoring if he gets the penal call. At first the ref was fooled but VAR showed a pretty clean tackle by the defender and a simulating dive flop by the forward. No penal, good call, VAR saves the day.

    Are you fucking stupid or something?

  2. 6 hours ago, Spartan52 said:

    Ha, I was there from 89-92, the WC in"90 is still one of my favourite memories

    In 1990 the world cup games weren't broadcast in the USA. My dad hunted down this new concept called a "sports bar" inside a bowling alley on North IH-35 that had a "satellite connection" for obscure sports events.

  3. 2 hours ago, Firemans4Horn said:

    I still remember the word “jabulani” because of what a disaster that was in WC2010. Free kick specialists like Gerrard and Ronaldo we’re almost kicking the ball out of the stadium because the aerodynamics were so bad. 

    Hey man I still have a jabulani ball and it kicks ass, even with some puncture holes from my dog.

  4. 15 minutes ago, Huckleberry said:

    Because he's a human being who lacks the ability to react in two hundredths of a second.

    You're making a great number of assumptions here. First, your assuming that a player can't make a combo play using more than 1 part of his body. Secondly, you're assuming the player is so bad at heading a ball that he heads it into his own hand. Third, you're assuming that the play was not intentional. These are all assumptions. The facts are that it hit is arm and the last player it came off was ALSO him. Should be penal.

  5. 5 minutes ago, Huckleberry said:

    Because it's not a handball if it was completely unintentional. Players are responsible for keeping their arms in as possible, but he was using his arms to jump. That is a normal physical move.

    But how do we know it wasn't intentional if he played it off his own head first?

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