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Chips O'Toole

Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Chips O'Toole

  1. Cancelled Vue, will likely try YT when football starts back up.  Overall, I was pretty happy with it but would like to see how other ones work.

    In the meantime, I'm trying to decide on a system for streaming OTA channels around the house and out to our backyard projector.  I have a friend who uses one of the silicondust boxes and likes it, but I am leaning toward the Tivo Roamio because I like the interface.  I know Tableau is a similar product but it doesn't seem to be as popular.

  2. Central Market carries a brand called Polar that has a Cherry Lime flavor that is badass.  

    My go-to is Waterloo Black Cherry or Grapefruit, but it is $5.99/12 pack compared to $4 for lacroix.

    Topo Chico is magic though, the glass bottle keeps the bubbles really well, so you can drink it slowly without it going flat.  It is more expensive though, not quite as much per oz as craft beer but I also don't drink 4 in one sitting like I did with beer.

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