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Posts posted by uoftorange

  1. How was that ball hit right to Abreu's glove called a double last night?  It should have been an error.  Every competent first baseman in the league knocks that ball down at least.  And over half of them make the play outright every time, another quarter most of the time.  

    I've been a sunshine pumper and won't stop, because this team gave me everything I ever dreamed of the last 7 years.  And the Abreu signing was a valid one given every bit of data we had at the time.  The third year was just cost of doing business.  But sometimes you have to take your sunk cost and move on.  Playing him in the field is fucking absurd.  He wasn't a good 1B before he got old and slow.  Singleton definitely knocks that ball down.  Yuli even today makes the play and could have ended the inning.  

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  2. 16 hours ago, harpercollins said:

    Would you treat a coworker or buddy that way? Probably not.

    I think this is a common misconception of women (in general, of course not all).  Yes, most of us would talk to our male co-worker that way and pretty much all of us would and will talk to our buddy that way.  It's how many men communicate.  Quick, to the point.  If I don't like it I say so, if I don't understand I'll clarify.  Doesn't require any feeling or negative on my part and usually isn't taken that way by my friend either.  

    Now if it's a woman I will use my context clues more with a co-worker and probably mess with a female friend about getting to the point quicker.  My wife and I just joke with each other.  She knows she's droning on with info I don't need and if I'm in a hurry I tell her, if not I will joke with her about it.  And vice versa when she wants to hear more info about a story I got to the point on quickly.  


    • Hook 'Em 2
  3. I love all the "they should bunt" stuff.  Yes, in 1995 they should have.  No one in the MLB consistently bunts anymore.  It's fucking hard and the harder pitchers throw the harder it gets.  The math often isn't there for it either, especially when you have the heart of your order up.  

    • Hook 'Em 3
  4. 6 minutes ago, The Dog said:


    THIS is why Maldy's shitty hitting was tolerated for so long. This. Right. Here.

    This is just not true.  Maldy was shook off too.  And yes he would argue, but he got shook off again after on multiple times too.  

    Young catchers have to learn they are in charge of the game plan and the pitcher, unless they are Verlander or something does what you tell them.  Framber has a terrible history with results after shake offs

    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. 2 minutes ago, Overlord said:

    Bringing Abreu back is wrong. 

    He is a cancer. And what happens when you don't address it aggressively and early?

    It spreads. 

    Breggy I'm looking at ya. 

    On the one hand you're not wrong.

    On the other, it's not your 38MM that's being lit on fire if you do.  If they think they saw something in him and he can contribute then I have to respect the professional org evaluators.  Now did they see enough to put him in the starting lineup?  Or did anyone in the org say he would be in the starting lineup?  I haven't seen that if so

  6. 3 minutes ago, Overlord said:

    Something tells me Tuck is not happy with the arbitration 2 years back. 

    I think that's going to be on the back his mind. 

    That was foolish. 

    He's a grown adult that knows this is a business.  I didn't like it because of the optics, but I don't think it's going to be a deal breaker in the end.  

    • Hook 'Em 2
  7. Hot take, but the Astros are going to resign Tucker, he's the first guy we'll have hit the market that's a no brainer to do so with.  He also hits the counting stats Bagwell is fond of as well as the advanced nerd ones he's not.  So he does what everyone in the front office likes on some level.  10-340 will be a no brainer with a higher first year trailing down to the end.   

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  8. 1 hour ago, Superhero said:

    After almost 9 years in this house, my wife still can’t figure out which switch is for which light. When she gets to a bank of 2 or 3 switches, she’ll sometimes turn all of them on-off-on until she gets the light she wants and turns off the others.

    Almost 9 years…

    Lucky, my wife just leaves them all on after.  Sometimes I get lucky and the first one she touches is accidentally right.  I even rearranged them in a manner that she said made sense to her when we redid the kitchen.  Took me a day to relearn, she still has no idea even though it was her design

    • Hook 'Em 1
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    • Rage+1 1
  9. 3 minutes ago, Guadaloopy said:

    First off… Fuck you for posting a video of an AJ Pierzynski take.  
    Secondly… Double fuck you for posting a video of an AJ Pierzynski take that I agree with.  

    AJs always been a douche, but he's also often correct from a baseball perspective, just says it in a douchey way. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  10. 1 hour ago, Scraps said:

    Yeah I ended up being in attendance for his first major league homer also 

    Saw the other day that his mom is the mom from Little Big League

    • Hook 'Em 1
  11. 1 hour ago, wood said:

    I agree it's not hard and I'm not arguing against the suspension, since that's the rule. I'm arguing against a stupid rule and its half-assed detection and enforcement.


     It could have played a role, or maybe it didn't. His changeup usage has gone up dramatically, and apparently it was already a great pitch last year. And I don't buy the idea that you have to let 'em have rosin out there. Just simplify everything. Ban it all. They'll figure it out, and then the umps and league don't have to do the "Is your pitching hand or glove too sticky" dance. If anything is sticky, they sit down. No handwashing bs, etc.

    With respect, that tells me you never pitched at a serious level.  You absolutely need something, and I think lack of sticky stuff is a much bigger reasons for arms falling off than clocks.  It's the second biggest reason to me besides "just throw as hard as you can every pitch" which is admittedly even bigger.  But guys haven't to slam the ball deeper in their hands to get grips is causing massive strain on elbows and forearms.  

    They need sticky stuff, and it's pretty easy to accidentally get from one hand to the other and into the glove.  If you have it on one hand and rub up a ball now you have it on both.  It's an idiotic rule.  Sadly it's a rule because guys like to use stickier stuff to make the ball dance.  

    • Hook 'Em 1
  12. 1 hour ago, WhatTheBuck said:

    Lulz. What a load of malarkey. I’m amazed you had the nerve to say it. 

    It's significantly easier to park a truck or large SUV backing in than it is nose in.  Maybe not a sedan or sports car, I'd say that's 50/50.  

    And that's true without backup cameras.  However, with back up cameras I'm not sure how anyone could argue against it.  People just have more practice going the other way

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  13. 2 hours ago, nnm said:

    It’s a tired debate that has been hashed and rehashed here many times. Despite all relevant data showing that first-move-forward parking is the safest and best parking method, the haterz gonna hate. Someone somewhere inconvenienced them by 5 seconds while they backed into a space and they’re gonna oppose it until they die. Or back over a kid. Which happened to my cousin. 

    The only time nose-in parking is the preferred way is in one-way herringbone lots. 

    Never mind they are just as annoyed at people parking in front first, which is actually more difficult to do well than backing in and causes back out and readjust in.  Team back in all day 'ery day

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  14. 1 hour ago, Chooky said:

    Forest cows.  Much less predictable than parking garage cows, but far less antagonistic than the common HOA cow.

    It's those damn Chick-Fil-A cows you have to really keep your eye on, feral monsters...

    • Hook 'Em 1
  15. On 5/1/2024 at 6:23 AM, Jkwellborn said:

    Which one died? What did you replace it with?

    It was a 15 year old Hitachi that was still kicking. 

    Bought a Bosch 1617EVSPK, all the guys at Rockler personally used it too and liked it a lot.  I'm really impressed with the smoothness and quietness of it


    On 5/1/2024 at 9:18 AM, dieucla98 said:

    My CNC had similar issues - they are hell on routers and bits. I went through a lot of bits and 2 routers and really didn't use it THAT much.

    That being said, it was fun to watch it in action.

    It was the one in my router table actually, the one in the XCarve is a Makita that seems to be pretty solid so far.  


    On another note:

    Anyone have a recommendation on good hole saws?  The Milwaukee ones I've been using forever are fine, but I'd like something a bit tougher

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