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Posts posted by HornsOverIthaca

  1. 2 hours ago, JBJ said:

    I really think there's a generational gap here that people aren't seeing between Millenials and Z. 

    Millenials really value the wow factor entertainment. They want something exciting and hyped up.  Something to tweet about.

    Gen Z really does not value the "guided" entertainment the same way.  They want to do and experience things that are organic and authentic.  In a way, making their own fun is exactly what they want.

     Gen Y talks about how fun the last concert they went to was while Gen Z talks about how fun their book club is.

    And Generation X has mutant powers!

  2. 36 minutes ago, BurntOrange&White said:

    Nah, the only ref worse than that dude is the one that went to the NFL

    Was that the protein shake guy?  Kinda looked like a bald Johnny Bravo?

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