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Mr. Blutarsky

Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Mr. Blutarsky

  1. 7 minutes ago, Elvis said:

    Talk to this guy




    Bruce Wayne would never have time to talk with me. That said, I know that franchises always favor the franchisee and in a big way, but I'm looking for the stability of a proven winner here. I'd love to start my own business, but at 47 and with two boys under seven, I don't want to be an absentee dad.


    1 hour ago, YGIFS said:

    Does it involve a substantial real estate component?  If you're in Texas, I got a guy.  In all seriousness.  

    Unfortunately, it's going to be a one off in a shopping center, at least to start. Thanks though.

  2. Long story short, I'm looking to open a franchise and have narrowed it down to the industry and have talked with several franchisors. I have been close to signing with  one, but my lawyer brought up several flags in their franchise agreement. What I guess I'm looking for now is a consultant who works with franchisees to help look out for potential risks. Can anyone here share the name of someone they trust?

  3. I've done something stupid. My five year old has become a lover of all things Willie and while I believe that the man will never pass from this plane, I'm loading up the wife and boys, (four and five) and taking them to see Blutarsky Jr.'s hero before the unthinkable happens. 


    My question is for those who went last year when it was at Q2. I can't find definitive proof that the trains will still be running when the show is over. Were they last year? We're just going for the fireworks and Willie in order to beat the heat of the day and expect him to go on after 10. Since most Lyfts and Ubers don't have car seats or boosters, I don't want to find our asses stranded over there. Thanks in advance.

  4. 7 hours ago, Budkudzu said:

    Wait til she dozes off in the car.  Slam on the brakes and yell "OH MY GOD!".  One of us thought it was hilarious. 

    One of my favorite memories is cruising the hills out by Lake Travis while my wife was latched on her phone and screaming CLIFF as we crested the hill. I still have the bruise on my shoulder eleven years later. Worth it.

    • Haha 4
  5. Between three and four inches here in 78729. Some of my favorite nights have been spent in dive bars trapped by down pours. Trying to get the five and three year old down right now makes me miss those nights. 


    *I love my kids, but go the fuck to sleep.

    • Hook 'Em 2
    • Haha 4
  6. You cannot simultaneously follow the teachings of Jesus and be pro gun. Hand guns, assault rifles, etc. were designed to end human life. Once you purchase one, you have made the decision that your life is of greater importance than another's in direct contrast to the teachings of Jesus.

    The right is so warped and wrapped up in team politics that this country will not survive. Today eighteen children and three adults didn't. Prolife my ass.

    • Hook 'Em 3
    • Like 3
  7. Took the two and four year old to the Dicsh this weekend and they had a blast. They both think the horns won rather than getting our asses kicked. Anyway, the four year old sees that osu is wearing black hats and for the rest of the game keeps saying that we need to beat the black guys. As in we're gonna punch those black guys in the face. My wife is mortified and I just keep telling him to say okie lite or some derivation there of and then very loudly telling him that yes, the other team is wearing black hats making sure that everyone in our section heard me. 

    • Haha 7
  8. The atmosphere feels charged as hell, but the radar shows nothing south of Waco or north of San Antonio. I guess we'll get nothing and like it. Long live the force field. 

  9. I learned  new lesson last night about being a dad. Never fucking ever leave your beverage unattended. While bathing the two year old last night I finished off my first and only Guinness to the four year old telling me "don't drink that." He had put some paper in my glass that he'd "made science" with, meaning it contained any lotions, soaps, toothpaste, cleaning supplies, wepons of mass destruction, etc. that he could find. Not acting quick enough, I downed the Guiness and "science" without batting an eye. Though there was a strong chemical taste at the bottom of the glass. I dismissed it after lecturing him on no more science.

    That was until the cramps started two hours later. The rest of the night I found myself on either the crapper or in the fetal position. The good news is that I am literally over six pounds lighter than I was last night and that the boy now knows to never ever put anything in someone's food or drink that doesn't belong. Concidered the mobile iv nurse but I'm finally able to keep fluids down again and am on the road to recovery. Thus ends the story of how my four year old slipped me a Mickey on St. Patrick's Day.

    • Like 1
    • Fuck Around and Find Out 1
  10. On 9/4/2020 at 4:41 PM, Modessit said:

    If you can handle it, put the potty chair in the living room and have no diaper or underwear. Straight naked (waist down). Hopefully when he needs to potty, he goes in the chair.


    But what really got my son (and later - daughter) potty-trained was daycare. Having the teachers take them all potty on a schedule and seeing their friends doing it, they picked it up really quick. But kids potty-trained by 2.5.


    Doing this with the almost three year old right now over the long weekend. So far it's been successful, minus the one time he stood up on the couch and let his river flow... It's a damn good thing I love him.

  11. 14 minutes ago, Homercles said:

    Wife asked the 6yo what he wanted to name our robot vacuum...he chose ‘Happy’.  So that’s a thing here “can you get happy going?” makes me want to reply “twice this weekend you got my happy going”.  

    On a side note I currently fear weekends.  No reliable activities like LittleLand or Playmazing to get the energy out, hood kid pool is closed and so we rely on outings at friends houses to use their pools...if not it’s 2 days straight of trying to keep them focused on minimizing fights, coming into our room at 6am, and overall not driving us nuts.  The girl just turned 4 and is still full of piss and vinegar...switched recently from whining to instant cry when things don’t go her way.  

    I used to love weekends like any sane person, but now with 3 days at home coming up I’m already looking forward to next Tuesday.  By all accounts my kids are normal and wonderful for their age, my marriage is strong and life in general the perfect suburban dream...but man long weekends can be a challenge on our sanity with limited outlets for a 6+4 yo kiddo clan.  

    I don't know where you are, but our YMCA has been a life saver. They have a giant outdoor pool / splash pad that they limit to 24 people max at a time. Temperature screenings at the door and the lifeguards are on top of cleaning and social distancing. We're there 4 days a week for an hour and a half as it's been the best way to burn off the three year old's energy. It's also great family and unplugged time. 


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