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Posts posted by Hamttx

  1. 1 hour ago, 6th Street said:

    Is Herman a threat to leave for the NFL? Why are Rhule and Campbell considered NFL candidates over him? 

    You should enjoy reading how people will dance around your question. Because no one on this thread has the brass to give you their honest opinion. But of course you knew that before you posed the question.

  2. 1 hour ago, Patricio Swayze said:

    Man, I really want to come across a Cooper's Hawk.  Those eyes are amazing.

    So I found this tiny urban park that has a ton of birds, including Great Horned Owls.  I have yet to see the owls, but have heard them.  I did get a couple other shots, one of a Pileated Woodpecker.  Not a great shot, but I found the nest so hopefully I can get some better ones borrowing one of my Pops' lenses.  Also ran into some travelers today so I got to do some portrait/street type stuff.  Sorry for the overload of shots.  Just had a good couple of days.








    And one of my favorite graffiti writers...


    Solid work. You’ve developed a keen eye for composition. 

  3. 6 hours ago, Richard Kimball said:

    Agreed. If people want to diss Hager for being a goofball, yeah, he's guilty. As far as his play on the field, he did about as much as he could with the skills God gave him. 

    He had no business being a starter. If there is some unwritten rule about legacy’s getting a spot so be it. But the kid isn’t a DI player.

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    • Fuck You 4
  4. 49 minutes ago, Longhornmaniac8 said:

    I actually really like the PxP guy. Unlike, seemingly most other announcers, he actually seems to know what's going on. All of his calls where he's "speculated" were right, which is uncharacteristic of announcers these days.

    I believe one of them is Rod Gilmore. Which means at some point he will find a way to remind us of the “The Play” where he will lose his shit telling us of the clip that wasn’t called against Cal, thus causing Stanford to lose the game some 25 years ago. He hasn’t been able to let that one go.

  5. 1 hour ago, So_co said:

    One question. Do you think #44 would be starting on the DL of either LSU or Auburn?

    I like that Texas' philosophy is a physical brand of football.  UGA loves physical football, and won't back down from a battle. 

    Yeah, they looked real fucking physical chasing Hurts around as he was running through gaps 5 yards wide. 

  6. I still have not seen an official statement from the NCAA detailing when the testing occurred, how many were tested, and whether all Bowl teams were tested, or only those in the CFP? 

    The NCAA should have also covered the subsequent penalties for those that don’t have the luxury of declaring for the draft. I’m not asking for names. But there should have been a statement from the very organization that conducted the testing to send a message that A) they are testing. And, B) there are consequences if you get caught.

    By not releasing anything it almost makes them out to be saying “fuck, we caught a few dumb asses”.

  7. 3 hours ago, SDG said:

    That throw had nothing to due with ML or any other outspoken teammate(s).  It was a bad play call and that's it.  You can try to conspiracy all you want but the Seahawks wanted to win that game.  

    How the fuck do you know? You’re a fucking key board bandit like everyone else throwing your two cents in. It is just as easy to say that Carroll has a huge ego and got taken to task in the Seattle media prior to the game about protecting his fragile minded QB that Boom was hating on.

  8. I would really like to know if the true reason Pete decided to throw the ball was simply to rub Lynch and his fellow conspirators  noses in it? It isn’t a secret who Pete Carroll sided with when Sherman was so outspoken about how much better Russell Wilson has it under Caroll. And how Caroll felt about Sherman and the Legion of Boom taking their bitch to the media.

    As many times that I have watched Caroll answer the run throw question, you can tell he isnt so much trying to answer the question, as he is deflecting away from the real reason he threw the damn ball. And how his pettiness cost him, and Seattle a Super Bowl.


  9. 16 hours ago, slorch said:

    Baker never has been more takented than Patrick Mahomes II.  Of course they had different landing places and circumstances. 


    Play on the field hasn’t been Mayfield’s shortcoming since his Freshman year at Tech.  

    Off the field of play, he’s easy to hate. It’s just that simple. People defending his alleged honor might as well try nailing jello to the wall. 

    Other than that pesky head to head thing.

    • Fuck You 2
  10. If all this is true it explains a lot. I think most will agree it has been awfully quiet the last few years regarding PED’s.

    Sometimes people forget that the NCAA, like MLB, the NFL or even the NBA don’t necessarily want to hurt their own product. They simply want to create the illusion of fair play and a clean sport. Or use the testing to harass those individuals that are problematic.

    But a quick google search shows that not only are there are far more compounds  available and being used today then say the late 80’s. The testing to identify those same compounds has become extremely sophisticated as well. I believe that would only happen in a market that is both growing and profitable.

    • Like 1
  11. The timing of this seems a little odd. Though I don’t know how the NCAA determines the who and when part of testing. Does everyone get tested, or just a select few?

    I was also unaware of the year suspension if you fail. And of all the Bowl teams these were the only positive’s? It is hard to  believe that they don’t pop one or two for reefer.

    • Like 1
  12. 16 hours ago, futureman said:


    I read the only negative review of the film from rottentomatoes and saw this quote.  it’s the basis for the negative review.

    I don’t know the answer so I’m asking if anyone does... how many soldiers of color were fighting for britain in the early 20th century?

    Well, in fairness to the Brit’s they really didn’t care what color their cannon fodder was. Besides black men, they had no problem sending white Australian’s, Irish, Scot’s as well. As they cared more about the tactical advantage of having warm bodies that were not part of the Crown’s extended ruling apparatus that would willingly die for them. And subsequently not impact the lives of those whose status that they wished to protect back home during the conflict.  

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