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Posts posted by Caracara

  1. 5 minutes ago, Mojo Hand said:

    What is an example of a demonstration of might that could have occurred without anyone knowing? 

    Could you imagine any examples?   because if your imagination isn't capable of going there, it'd be a waste of time for me to try and talk to you about the possibilities.

  2. 6 minutes ago, Mojo Hand said:

    So answer this:


    Demonstrations of might that have gone unreported.  And the old group of DPKR minders from our alphabet intel services being replaced by military intel DPKR minders.  You will notice that Brennan, Clapper et al, hate Trump with white-hot passion.  But he's commander in chief of a military who loves him.

  3. Kim met with Pompeo. Kim walked to Moon,. Kim changed his clocks to Moon's time.  Kim says their nuke days are winding down. Kim releasing hostages. Moon says USA should stay. Moon says Trump is responsible for strides to peace. 

    Kim is capitulating.  he's not calling Trump's bluff. He's being allowed to save face and stay alive, before he and his step aside.   Trump's supposed concession is that he'll be presiding over all this and will make it official at a summit on Kim's doorstep.

    Why is this happening? Why is China helping after the tariffs?  I think we have worldwide military domination and cutting edge weaponry, and we're using it to achieve something new, instead of maintaining  constructs that only helped a very select group.  This isn't Trump.  This is once dormant Military (intel) + Trump.  If you have a hard time giving Trump credit, consider our military brass who puke at the thought of Gen Michael Flynn being bullied by a bunch of slime-ball neolibs.

  4. 2 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

    They aren't going to. They know Donald Trump is bluffing. Just like everyone else on planet earth.

    Not so much in saudi arabia, where there is sudden reform.  the donald has heavy duty support.  He's not bluffing with a stacked hand.

  5. Just now, David Dennison said:

    He has a cadre of advisors who worked for his father and some who probably worked for his grandfather. They know exactly what they are doing. Handing sovereignty over to the South Koreans is probably not on their to do list.

    Oh those guys.  They don't want to die either.

  6. 2 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

    There isn't going to be any reunification. That would be a death sentence for Kim. His generals would kill him. 

    He's trying to stay alive right now, or can't you tell.

    He's not worried about his generals.  They're all worried about ours.

  7. 1 hour ago, Mojo Hand said:

    They'd have to give up everything with rigorous IAEA verification on the ground.   Planned reductions over a period of time are fine as long as there are firm stages.  I'd accept withdrawal of ours from the physical peninisula, but not Japan.   Maybe allow them a peaceful nuclear power program if the terms are right to ensure no weapons capabilities. 

    But it's cool if the hostages are freed 1st right?  How about the end of the NK regime and reunification? And US military bases in the places where both their nukes and paper-mache missiles used to sit.  There's a road. No simple highway, between the dawn and the dark of night.


  8. 4 minutes ago, Mojo Hand said:

    Good point.  We should probably just give NK whatever they want. 

    What does your denuclearization of the korean peninsula  look like?   

  9. 15 minutes ago, Mojo Hand said:

    Worth it then.  Trump's a regular Dennis Rodman.   If it's part of an unfolding deal to normalize their nukes, it's not a good development. 

    It's a pretty good development for those American captives.

    • Like 1
  10. don't we spend ten times more on our military than the next several countries combined?  don't we have an obscene number of military bases all over the world?  don't we control the petrol-dollar and have cyber capabilities and secret tech beyond everyone else in the world?  wasn't NK maintained  as a boogieman so we'd have a legit presence in asia?   Luckily SK doesn't want us to leave. 




  11. 13 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:


    Cranking up pressure on Iran to say they weren't keeping the bargain anyway.   Sucks to be them.  They need to evacuate their strategic mountains.

  12. 3 hours ago, Mojo Hand said:

    Sounds fantastic.   NK is giving up their nukes in exchange for Trump's word.   This makes total sense.

    It's going to lead to a conversation about how past administrations have set up certain foreign leaders, then destroyed their countries, and how Trump is going to handle matters differently. "Promise not to invade."  Seriously?  Of course we won't. We'll be making sure nobody invades anybody, and doing some business.

  13. 31 minutes ago, RomaVicta said:

    Now we're cooking in here. I think there substance to the above statements. Axis of Evil comes to mind when I think of the government creating a boogie man. We've got into the nasty habit of calling any opponent the next Hitler, a madman!, and simplifying conflict into a third rate western movie.

    The notion mentioned above about how we have "own up" for our "stalwart ally" is the kind of schoolyard metaphor for the real world that gets us into so much trouble. Sure we should stick with our allies, but the conversation about the placement of an army in N. Korea doesn't stop there. It just starts there.

    Kim is a brutal autocrat who heads a sick national cult. Why do we care so much about this particular brutal autocrat? These guys are all over the place.

    The case about loss of American influence has substance, but I think our influence is waning anyway. Further, is the army the way we want to wield influence? Does an army/navy/air force base in a foreign land generate a lot of love from the populace? Seems like a lot of people are glad to see us go. And, again, we're running up a huge debt trying to maintain a military posture that dates to the 1950s.

    I think we need to revisit our assumptions about our responsibilities to the region and everywhere else. Trump talked about that, but I really don't think he has the intelligence or grasp to do much other than fire up the yokels and insult our international friends. 


    He was born into it, and now possibly, Trump has cleared a path for him to be, to his people, everything he's been built up to be, the savior who gets them off the pigeon and grass diet, and gets them cell phones. Maybe dotard convinced Kim the old deals are done and the old bullies are out.  But he no longer has coup-protection, and the back-channels to resources are cut.

  14. This is Korea. For the fun of it you could look at the world scene as a tussle between the American military and the alphabet agencies.  Neocrooks and spooks have been calling the shots on military matters since papa Bush. Maybe the NK royal family got security and help and assurances.  These generals are sick of shit like that, maybe.  Groomed Obama was CIA all the way.  Trump has the Military.  One side has the media/deepstate and is invested in corruption all over the globe. The other side has the muscle, and Trump telling grateful foreign leaders there's a new straight-shooter in town. Surly there are some folks out there who are sick of the sneaky double dealing cia. How many dictators have they used then set up for a war?  I can think of 3 without trying, since Papa Bush. One side set up global rackets and maintained the status quo.  The other side gonna shake the table.  Just a fun way to look it at.

  15. Just now, SimonBolivar said:

    In a way sure our direct policies have harmed DPRK and we have advocated for their isolationism. I don't know what that has to do with our support for a stalwart ally. We can debate whether we should have assisted In 1950 all we want, but we did and we have to own up if ever required.

    I'm assuming that this is not "history repeating itself" and that NK is not playing dotard for a fool.   If that's the case, then you have to wonder how this was achieved so quickly, and why it wasn't before.   I think to some extent, we've been sold a story just like the North Korean peasants have.  Maybe a lot of people have been profiting mightily off the status quo.   Brennan and Clapper make it quite obvious that their crony CIA hates Trump.  Our generals and soldiers do not hate him.   He's going to romp  in foreign policy.

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