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Bevo Num1

Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Bevo Num1

  1. I literally laughed hard at this suspiciousness.
    This is RG3 doing what RG3 does. He tries too hard.
    In this case, he tried too hard to come up with a term other than doubters, haters, dissenters, whiners, whatever... And he landed on jiggaboos.
    I hate it for him, but it's him doing him.
    He entertains me from time to time. He's definitely whack as fuck, which I find humorous.

    This is exactly what I thought when I saw the tweet. Dude was trying to speak off the cuff, went through the mental rolodex of terms to use other than more appropriate terms, and landed on what he did by the time he got to that part of the sentence.

    I certainly don't think it was intentional, but putting it in this context it is funny.
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