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Posts posted by Ozzman

  1. It's not just Newt. Starting yesterday, Rush started talking about Pete too. It's weird. 
    Ingraham today, too. They're scurred!! The thing they're focusing on is his dad's Marxism.

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  2. Look, Eric, I see your games here. Trying to help us get some nice, smart guy in as President so he can, like, do good stuff.

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  3. I just sent a Mayor Pete text around to my pretty liberal immediate family and my son surprised me by saying that his best buddy who is a pretty solid libertarian had just sent him a Mayor Pete article and said that he liked the guy. Not sure what to read into it, other than that a smart, coherent guy appeals to smart folks, even if they are of different political persuasions, especially in this time when we're ruled by morons.
    Feel free to send my link around to everyone!

    His grassroots fundraising campaign is all systems go. We're also working on meetpete.org, so if there are any videos you find that aren't on there, let me know. Also give me topics you'd like us to get on there.


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  4. Here's an appearance from the University of Chicago that I attended right at his book launch. During the q&a session in the second half, Pete talks about Hyde amendment and also some insight into his time at McKinsey working grocery prices. It's not going to be the answer you want of his take on labor coming from management consulting but more what he'd like to bring from private to public sector.





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  5. Ones of the reasons Pete wants as he called "Medicare for all who want it" is because someone needs to figure out the Hyde amendment irt single payer Medicare for all.

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    I knew Pete was going to win a lot if people over, but I figured it was going to be a slow burn during a long campaign. The momentum is ridiculous. Really proud of him, and it's fun watching from afar and living vicariously through him.

    Look for an official announcement of his candidacy pretty soon. Shocker I know.

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  7. so first you say that "our worship of military culture post-9/11 is unhealthy", then you imply that it's always been that way by saying the disrespect for vietnam vets was "made-up horseshit."  make up your mind, dude.
    i agree that some of the "respectfulness" can be bullshit, but you also say, "if you were a soldier, that's fine.  i don't care".  he was a soldier, and he does care.  therefore, i care what he publicly (via twitter) has to say about it.
    if you want to explain how it's a tactical mistake in the context of his campaign, i'll happily listen to your side of it.
    He wasn't a soldier. Don't insult him. He was a sailor.

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  8. I'm not giving you rep for this, though I want to, but I want Ozzman to understand your character on this board. 
    I certainly don't have thin skin or take anything like that seriously. Rep away

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  9. I'm a long time lurker and a friend of Pete. If you haven't been following Pete's fundraising, he originally had a goal of $500k by the end of the month. He made that in a day. He doubled down and made an additional $500k in another day. This time the fundraising team is trying to threepete. Give him $3 if you can Thursday.


    I love seeing this thread and the enthusiasm Pete has garnered so far. It's so crazy to think that someone you've known for years is making a huge splash in the race for president. Help if you can. The moment is real and this is really happening.




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