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ricky queso

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Posts posted by ricky queso

  1. On 1/31/2023 at 5:02 PM, tejas60 said:

    wonder if anybody would think he flipped if he, went to LA by Omaha?


    23 hours ago, Hiphopopotamos said:



    22 hours ago, RomaVicta said:

    Time to kick ol' Green Teeth right in the knee.


    20 hours ago, PsychMike said:

    I had them all out there stepping and fetching

    Like their heads were on fire and their asses was catching

    Long as he doesn't go down to Georgia...

    • Hook 'Em 2
  2. On 1/18/2023 at 10:49 AM, Burt Macklin said:

    I hope he doesn’t fall this far, but Buffalo or Kansas City would be really fun spots for him to end up and they both need a RB. 

    I'm going to have to object here, as I have Pacheco on my dynasty team, and Buffalo doesn't use their back well enough. 

    Wherever Payton ends up would be a perfect spot.  Bijan is a better Kamara (both on and off field...), and Payton is one of the few coaches who do more than merely talk about using their RBs creatively. How many times have you heard coaches say something about using their RBs like "Kamara", and then not doing it.  

    Most seem to have the talking part down, every single week of "we're going to have to use XXX better" followed by another week of running highly skilled pass-catchers into the backs of their interior OL...  please spare Bijan from one of those guys!!!

  3. 6 hours ago, TheMailBox357 said:

    Now I don't read the man myself, but after lurking on this board for a good while, I feel comfortable guessing he's calling for a position change and projecting Mitchell as an all-conference linebacker.... in just under 4000 words.

    If I missed on this, I blame the surly folk who misled me...

  4. 11 hours ago, conVINCEd said:

     My wife, several years ago, was the only person who would babysit a mentally disturbed child.  She was his teacher, and the only person in his life who he obeyed, until he didn’t. Nothing like getting a call on a random Tuesday from your wife that she has locked herself in the bathroom because a 12 year old was trying to stab her to death.  Call the police was my first response.  She didn’t want to do that.  My ass covered 10 miles in 5 minutes, got to the house, and then had a moment of reckoning.  I’m about to encounter a deranged teen with a knife.  Not a fun thing to contemplate.  Ready to go to war, walked in the house and the kid was crying in a corner of the kitchen.

    That's a harrowing story, and I don't want to minimize it at all.... but - in reference to the bold part above, what is Teddy Lehman doing on this board???

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  5. 8 hours ago, Getafix said:



    Now I know why mid-air collisions occur ... this paragraph you wrote for the flight training manual.



    3 hours ago, Sgt Hulk said:

    Directions unclear. Dick stuck in ceiling fan 


    2 hours ago, Zhorn96 said:




    2 hours ago, Dbeasy said:

    This made my head hurt. I need to lay down. 

    I won't say those were crystal clear instructions... but I will say that if they were too hard to get, I don't want to be on a plane you're flying!

    • Haha 1
  6. 34 minutes ago, Pato del Muerto said:

    One might surmise that any OC that has his team in the cfp is in line for a head coaching gig and probably wouldn’t be poached for a lateral move to a failing program that could kill their career while working for a genuine asshole. 

    You sound like a 2%er..... or sane.

  7. 1 hour ago, DefinitelyNotHollywoodColt said:

    I know this is the equivalent of asking the meaning of CB but could someone tell me the TLDR version of KKL’s connection with Jimbo? What was her connection in Tallahassee and why did she follow him to CS? How does she know inside info on the program?

    The answer is:


    • Haha 1
  8. 4 hours ago, RomaVicta said:

    I wasn't claiming to be bringing news. My post was mostly a lament at how things will change. I also don't say there is a remedy.

    Keep your shirts on.

    I don't even know that it should be a lament...  all NIL is doing is accelerating a change that would/should be happening anyway.  The whole conference model is going to come to an end.  Why should Vanderbilt compete as if on equal footing with Alabama?  I believe we'll see the top 40-50 programs band together, because they'll be the ones actually making money at 'college' football.  The rest will eventually settle into what college football was for most of its first hundred years - actual students/classmates who play for fun/glory.  The money and the pressure will be way less, but alums will probably embrace it in the long run, just the way small schools always have.

    For that first tier, they won't be semi-pro leagues...  they'll be full-blown pros.  And there will inevitably come some regulation and control over the wild west of NIL.  Cause in the end, they want to make money, not get into spending wars with each other.  And it'll be fantastic as a fan.  Until the NFL wars...

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  9. 18 minutes ago, MAGS® said:

    Just out of curiosity,... and no I dont feel like reading his contract,...  Is there any clause in there that he can be demoted?   (aggy is probably stupid enough to put something in the contract to this effect that he can't be demoted)...  Anyways, if not, demote his ass to ball boy or something, for the next nine years, and find some coach willing to work for a million or 2 a year till his contract is up.   Money wise, I'm sure they could manage that.... has to be better than watch your program rot away.  

    What would make aggy even more fun? 

    How about an embittered $10mil ball boy wreaking havoc throughout the organization?  While the $1mil head coach works wonders while wondering why he's only getting 10% tip money...  

    Actually, sounds really good to me, I'm onboard with this plan!

    • Hook 'Em 1
  10. 1 hour ago, Pato del Muerto said:

    Let me try to analogize. 

    you have signed a contract to dig ditches using a backhoe. The work lasts 10 years and pays 9 million a year, fully guaranteed if you don’t quit. After a year, people are questioning your work. Where you dig, how deep, how far you’ve progressed. You say tough shit, I do what I do. 

    they say, we are going to take your backhoe away and give you a shovel, to make the work as unpleasant as possible for the next 9 years.   

    or, you could take 30 or 40 million right now (or even over 5 years or something) and never have to deal with that shovel. 

    doesn’t that offer at least sound appealing enough to consider?

    why would that be appealing to me? 

    Especially that part where I take it over 5 years or something...  my something would be "right now".  I can lean on my shovel and "think about digging" a whole hell of a lot longer than they can work around the hole they're paying for but not getting.  Best I could offer is 50 mil now, and you increase it to 50-55 later.  But not much later... 

    Negotiations are tough when you have no leverage whatsoever other than "making it hard on you".  And you can see what whip-smart negotiators he's dealing with just by seeing what he got when he didn't have all the leverage! 

    • Hook 'Em 1
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