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Posts posted by demos

  1. .9ed7cf9126010e42cced1383848c9b51.jpg

    Just one?

    Some upper classmen threw a dead skunk through the window of the HS principal’s office. They had picked it up off the road and drove to the school with it in the car. Their car was puke and dead skunk. The high school stank for a couple of weeks.

    Some of the same guys were running a train on a girl in the school bus parked on the elementary school playground, which was next to the football field. Bunch of people were watching them. Our freshmen class was some kind of field trip that day (forget where) so we missed it.
    • Hook 'Em 2
  2. I don't think they really give a shit about smart traffic flow.

    They don’t. Just look at Congress. They put a protected turn lane at 5th but not at 7th, which is the street people turn down to get to 35. Made no sense. And without the 3rd lane, now traffic stacks up because of people wanting to be in the right hand lane to turn onto 6th.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. They literally grab their nuts at football games in unison.  There are well documented reports of jizz jars.  Rick Perry is absolutely, 100% confirmed (telling from a friend) bi-sexual.  But a single section of a single course on LBGTQ+ studies is just a bridge too far for these fucking four legged failures?  
    They're bitching about this class being offered without being forced to attend it?  But passing state secrets to Middle Eastern Governments/Kingdoms is just totes cool?  
    But they're gonna keep getting a pass because they bring so many votes to the table.  That's all this is.  

    You forgot about the campus gloryholes
    • Hook 'Em 1
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