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Posts posted by demos

  1. RIP Bob.
    The Price is Right taped their last show in the Bob Barker Theater a while ago, it aired early this summer. They’re moving to a new set, I forget where. I don’t know if they’ve started taping new episodes there yet or when new episodes will return to TV. I’d be curious to see what kind of tribute they give him whenever that time comes. It would kind of be fitting if they haven’t started taping yet so they can use their first new episode as a salute to Bob Barker. Dude’s a legend. 

    Best tribute would be firing Drew.
    • Hook 'Em 2
  2. Is 101.9 not a thing?  I tuned in on my drive this morning and got some typical morning show.  I found E & Rod via the app.

    It’s a weak signal in Williamson County, so most people in Austin won’t hear it and will pick up something else with a stronger signal.
  3. The CIA will use this for interrogation and it will 20 years later come up in congressional hearings about violating international torture policies. 

    If they showed this to me and threatened to play it, I would talk immediately.
    • Haha 2
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