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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by alphahorn

  1.  Still pissed on Monday. We've seen enough to know Tom isn't the future.  The next two seasons are going to be fucking painful as we are forced to listen to this cocksucker lie to us in his condescending manner while blaming losses on everything but his inability to fucking coach.  this will be a test of CDC's capital raising ability, can he raise the funds to get rid of this fraud after this year and not put us through another year.


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  2. Sam's career at Texas better have ended yesterday.  The next time I want to hear his name better be transfer related.  If Shane gets hurt this year, then give the reigns to Rising 

  3. 46 minutes ago, CastHorn said:

    Not sure who these guys are but they recap the game really well. They hit on a lot of key points about personnel and coaching. 


    that fucking crying baby in the background, clearly has inside information that Herman will be given 3 years

  4. 10 minutes ago, A’Dam Psycho said:

    Here’s my best swing at optimism after sleeping on this loss:

    2) Coaches and players got a wake up call similar to last season. Maybe this time will lead to more wins because I still feel our schedule is easier this time around. SO you're saying we have a coaching staff that didn't learn from its previous mistakes, that failed to do everything in their power to make sure it wouldn't happen again.  Sounds optimistic to me.

    3) I like what I saw from 2018 guys. Specifically Ingram, Sterns, and Foster. Even Jamison and Moore look to have potential. Thankfully,  the next coach, hopefully one with a pedigree in a Power 5 program will inherent some talent and will know how to use it effectively.

    4) I like what saw out of our RB group as a whole. It is Maryland but I don’t know if any team we play is gonna be much more of a threat to the running game. SO you like the fact that Ingram scored on a nice looking cut back run and then fucking disappeared for the rest of the game.  You like the fact that this coaching staff doesn't know why it is important to put their best players on the field and keep them their and use them.

    5) O-Line looks to be improved. Not great but better. Not many holding penalties and gave Sam plenty of time on most occasions. This loss in no way is on them. they couldn't get worse than last year, the healthiest horse at the glue factory ain't ready for the derby

    6) Herman has to know in his mind that Beck is not the right man for the job and will at some point have to take over playcalling completely. SO you're saying Herman has a lot in common with Strong.  Both keep lame duck OCs around way to long rather than do what the rest of the planet knows is the right thing to do and make an immediate change to preserve their jobs.


    It sucks right now now but the season is not over. Still have some things to look forward to

    It'll suck worse at the end of this year

  5. 33 minutes ago, Mojo Hand said:

    Herman has to win the conference a couple of times to earn that comparison.   So far he's just an asshole version of Charlie. 

    exactly, he's another mid-major fraud on the big stage.  we need to quit hiring these types of "promising" coaches.  fuck mack brown for stopping the saban to Texas train

  6. Just now, Wally Pryor said:

    Lulz.  Maryland isn't weaker than Texas.   They're two mediocre, at best, teams.  One was just prepared today and the other just strolled in thinking it could put on those candy-ass-shade-of-orange-that-isnt'-burnt uniforms and walk out with a 3-TD win.

    you ask 10 coaches which roster they'd take and all 10 would choose texas.  maryland was just better prepared 

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