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Posts posted by Nole-4-Life

  1. 14 hours ago, 956 Worldwide said:

    Yeah, Dominic West is a handsome, charismatic dude who played one of TV’s great wise asses and (successful) skirt chasers. That does not translate into a perpetually sorry for himself sad-sack who can’t even talk dirty. 

    The series is doing a great job at reminding me (I was in high school when Diana died) why I had such little patience for the royal family at the time. It’s dreary and sad to watch a string of marriages fall apart in what is really the most ordinary way. Each one is its own small tragedy that the world treated as news. 

    Oh yeah...that phonesex was pretty lame. You want to be a fucking Tampax???

  2. 11 minutes ago, mchookem said:

    agree about Diana...i looked up the Bashir interview afterwards and she nailed the mannerisms, head tilts, inflection, etc. bet she garners an Emmy of this cast. 

    and agree about the historical stuff...bt the Romanov storyline and 'All Quiet...' i've gone down quite the WWI rabbit trail recently. fascinating. 

    i actually like Staunton and Pryce. Claire Foy and Smith were def favs...but Staunton physically embodies more what i imagine the queen was actually like in these later decades. she does a great deal of emoting with her eyes and mouth, which i imagine is fairly accurate given how emotionally repressed they all are. Pryce is really good at being haughty...actually all the Philips have done a good job making him seem 'the haughtiest' lol.

    but i really dislike West as Charles, for all the reasons mentioned. they really seem to be hammering the irony that i guess 25-30 years ago everybody loved him way more and wanted her to step down?? lol my how things changed.

    i also really dislike Manville as Margaret, not sure exactly why. i mean she may be more true to life, but she didn't come across nearly as messily elegant and emotionally dramatic enough compared to HBC and Kirby.

    and just a random judgement... when she was unloading on Elizabeth about Anne being allowed to do what she couldn't with regard to being with who she loved...i just thought well... honestly that's on you, bc Anne basically told her mom 'i'm doing this, deal with it' and that was that...i always felt Margaret could have done the same.

    of course...literally everything i know about the royal family came from The Crown and The Queen, so i'm sure @Bama Chickcan explain why my perception is wrong 😁😉


    I don't really think he's that bad. It's just that I can't look at him without seeing McNulty.

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  3. I'm enjoying it, especially the historical stuff I never knew, like the Romanov thing.

    Also in a prior season, the town that was buried in an avalanche.

    I think it's a great show.

    I also think the girl playing Diana is perfect. The way she tilts her head forward and sorta looks upward at you it just like the real deal did it.

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