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Posts posted by chesthair

  1. Bump...


    All kinds of shit going down.  Dake vs. Ringer are wrestling off for the world team in AUSTIN!  My family is driving down to attend.

    The worlds start Sept 14th, this might be the best US team ever.

    My boys just got back from 8 days at U of Iowa wrestling camp, what a terrific experience.  They got to wrestle in carver-hawkeye every day.

  2. 11 hours ago, markstanco said:

    Those that have went, did you carry a small backpack? I have a small camelbak BP that I can take the water holder out and use when i ski. I will not be fanny packing.

    Tropical disturbance south of florida so we may see rain so i think i will pack some ponchos as long as no regulations against them. It looks like from their website it's fine.

    yup, took one of those one strap sling backpacks.  much more secure and smaller than normal b'pack.



  3. its funny as hell.  my boys are here for a wrestling camp and they run every day.  they keep saying "dad, man, this weather is awesome for running but all the northern kids are passing out".  im sitting on the porch in this "heat wave" enjoying a beer and the beautiful weather.  

  4. On 7/6/2019 at 9:49 AM, Al_4_ISU said:

    It was hot as balls yesterday, and I have the sun burnt beer gut to verify.

    I've been up here (iowa city) for a week.  it was 90 the other day and they had a heat advisory.  

  5. I hate disney more than anything, however, i understand you have to pay homage to the mouse once in your life.  We did it and i hated every moment so yes, just bite down and get it over with.

    -drinking around the world is indeed the highlight.  pace yourself....i was stumbling by the time i got to japan.

    -we had one of those disney planners do our entire trip.  when we got to our hotel i sat down with the concierge and she threw our plan away and re-did it.  MUCH better than what we had planned.  someone else said to use the people who work there for advice, do it. 

    -you will see the worst in people while you are there.  i helped an old lady up who got trampled after the fireworks one night.  people suck and disney is a magnet for those people.  foreigners, generally speaking, have little to no manners, watch your 6.  

    -get a bottle of good bourbon on your way to the hotel, dont buy booze on campus if you can avoid it.


    have fun. 

  6. wow.  drove down 35 from kansas to dallas yesterday and was about 30 minutes behind the storm the whole way.  that was a f'er!  north dallas/addison looks like a disaster area this morning.  

  7. Got my brothers response.


    -Merrimans for sure

    -Huggos and Huggos. Said one is casual and the other is nicer/dinner. touristy but solid. 

    -Big island grill in Kona, said the fish is excellent and fresh there.

    -Fish n Pig in Waimea.


    • Hook 'Em 1
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  8. I have costa's and m. jim's and both are great with terrific customer service/warranty.  However, op said cheap so i would say foster grant, body glove, etc at academy is your answer.  for $20-30 you have usable sunglasses that you dont care if they drop to the bottom of the lake.  I have 2-3 pairs in my truck for the hellofit. 

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  9. My brother did the ol' "fuck it, i'm moving to the big island" deal about 6 years ago.  sold everything and left and never came back, hellofa midlife crisis for that fella.  he went full native.  with that being said, he has the place figured out.  he snorkels daily and knows where to get the best food.  he lives "up the moutain" from hilo, about as far west and still be considered in hilo.  i'll see if he has some insider info for you.  

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  10. On 5/17/2019 at 10:20 AM, ShaggyBevo RIP said:

    Start here, for safety,  and go back to the years that fit your budget. https://www.iihs.org/ratings/top-safety-picks#other-years

    I've never understood the mentality of since they're going to wreck it get an old beater. 

    They are inexperienced drivers with poor impulse control and risk/reward evaluations and thus likely to wreck. So, get something safe as possible with modern crumple zones that redirect the energy of a crash around the cabin, ABS braking, traction/stability control, Boron steel beams/cage, as many airbags as possible, and put in bluetooth if the car doesn't have it. 

    To prove this point.  Friday he was riding with his friend to wrestling practice.  Kid was crossing traffic and wasnt paying attention and a car was about to t-bone him...hit the accelerator and went sideways into a tree.  My kid was in the passenger seat.  Luckily no injuries but proves how stupid these kids are.  They were in an old dodge truck and they didnt even get bruised.  My kid now changed the game and said he wants a truck.  His immediate reaction was that if they were in a small car it would have been much worse. 

  11. 23 hours ago, phdhorn said:

    Euro models are notorious for kicking the American model's ass.  But the Euro computer system is like 2X the size and power of the Americans.  The best in the world is the European model (ECMWF), located in England but run/supported by over 20 Euro countries , followed by  the United Kingdom Met Office. However, the Yanks just installed a new computer, the  FV3 Dynamic Core, which probably puts the Americans up to #3 from #4 in the world (the reason you don't see many weather guys quoting he UK Met Office model is that its less public than the others and is mostly used in-house, so it's difficult to get stuff from it). The FV3 has improved the American forecasting since it was launched in early March, of course results are still kinda new, but it's not going to be a giant leap into first place like you might think.  It's better though.

    The thing is, the Euro and American model systems use vastly different methods for calculating/forecasting, and of course both models work together and are seen as compliments rather than combatants.  The Euro system though is a lot more expensive and vast... the U.S. really isn't going to spend that kind of bucks for a super-duper thing, especially since the Euro is there and is easily available.  Still, we can now say "We're Number 3!!!" with confidence.

    The rain totals within a given forecast area have actually been pretty accurate over the last 2-3 years especially.  While your little neck of the woods was forecast to have 4 inches and you got very little, the models didn't necessarily fail at all.. the rain simply fell somewhere else within the forecast area.  Right now the areas usually average about 200X200 miles or so, so it's not pinpoint.  In the series of recent storms, the Euro model has been pretty damn accurate actually, with the GFS slightly behind.

    The forecasting of precip totals say within a 50 square mile area (i.e. about 2/3 the size of Austin city proper) is nowhere near realized yet technologically, and likely won't be for some time.  To predict within a few towns over how much/where the rain is going to fall is extremely difficult.  It's like you're trying to predict when two drag racers hit the gas without a Christmas Tree to time them.  Conditions over very small areas, over a small space of time (say within 8 hours) are simply too random to nail, at least with today's technology.

    But all in all, the models are doing a lot better at getting more and more narrow and time-specific than even 5 years ago.  I'm kind of impressed with how well the models do now within 2 days of an event.

    Saturday forecast coming... looks like another brief but powerful rain event... could flood... later today or early tomorrow I'll be back.

    TL;DR...we gettin' fucked or what? 

  12. FYI, my son is a vexillologist, in case you have any questions.  Funny story, he called a photographer out during an art show one time.  He claimed a picture he was showing was taken in some little village, i think he said italy...my son asked why there was a flag of zenica-doboj canton in the background.  Laughed my ass off as my 12 year old walked off eating his ice cream. 

  13. Ok, ages wrong.  15/16, oops.  Anyway, one will be a freshman this year and the other a junior so more like 2 years together in high school.  However, i know i wouldnt want to share a car so i wont argue that.  guess ill just stick with the path i was heading down and find the best hondakianissan out there. i guess insurance is the same on all those?


    jr wants an 80's bronco, so do i. 

  14. I'm sure this has been asked, but I couldnt find it anywhere.  

    Started doing research for cars (16 and 14 year old boys).  Couple questions:

    1. Thinking about getting 1 car for them to share for a couple years until the older goes to college.  Does that work?  They play the same sport and practices, etc are always together so i think sharing a car would be ok?

    2. I'm leaning toward a 3-4 year car with fairly low mileage.  I also want the safest car i can find.  Lets say my budget is 10-12k, what is the best vehicle in that price range?  Searches are coming up with kia optima, altima, jetta's, etc.  I would guess any of those would be about equal?  Would one be cheaper than another when it comes to insurance?


  15. 14 hours ago, Liquor and Poker said:

    Is that the place at 35 and Forest?  That's where I bought my last one.  Nothing like the discount on a rolloff MB.

    Yup.  Good experience.  Walk in, point to the car you want, out the door in 20 minutes.  They dont haggle, which kinda sucks, i like fighting with those dudes, but prices are good.  They also gave me top dollar for my trade.  Wife is in a jag now, trying to talk her back into a mb.  

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