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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by achooloco

  1. 35 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

    Phase 2 of the shopping cart test:  are you a decent enough human being to take a shopping cart from someone who is done with it and return it for them on your way into the store?

    Well… I’d probably just use it. But If they rub me the wrong way I’ll just stick it behind their car

  2. 1 hour ago, atomheartbevo said:

    That was my first thought, but damn it was a little tough to watch.  Dude had a few minutes of knowing he was going to die, and knowing he couldn’t stop running or he would die.

    Yeah, would be great if they could hack Russian TV and broadcast that to the nation and say “this is what is happening to Russian soldiers”.  Sure it’ll make many angry at Ukraine, but every Russia male eligible for being dragged off the street and into Ukraine would be having some dark thoughts about their future.

    That’s all true but they could also surrender. They don’t so they die. Oh no oh well gif…

  3. 10 hours ago, Braff Zacklin said:

    You actually thought Steven Seagal was cool? No offense, but he didn't turn into a shitbag. He was always a shitbag.

    In a world overflowing with liars, narcissists and shameless self-promoters, Seagal outdoes them all and somehow continues to live his best life. It boggles the mind that there's even one person who can't see through his façade of bullshit.

    hey now, above the law is a pretty good 80s/early 90s action flick. and under siege had nice tits. didn't make segal awesome but at least his movies were good enough to have tits and action. But sure, he sucks ass since then and hope he dies slow as a traitor in russia, no argument there.

  4. 4 hours ago, Macklemore said:

    Can’t wait for November 5. The base is more fired up and determined than ever. This has woken up even the normie soft cuckservatives. This is do or die time for Republicans in Congress. If they do their usual turtle job bullshit, the stage is set for a hard right nationalist party to take its place. I have been wanting that to happen since volunteering for Pat Buchanan’s campaign back in college. We were fringe back then but now we’re poised to overthrow the rotting corpse that is the Republican Party. Enjoy tonight with the rest of the CR gang. I will be back here to gloat and lick y’all’s tears on election night.

    traitor. go back to where you came from. cause you aren't american. at all.

    • Hook 'Em 3
  5. 5 hours ago, Hank Kingsley said:

    Just told my 10 year old daughter about Trump conviction. She had tears in her eyes. Then she did the Wakanda pose and said "#Trumpkanda forever" -- which is the sort of pop culture cross-over that I can celebrate. 


    wait, is that pro or anti trump? i'll still pos rep but a bit confused (and yes I've been drinking since the verdict, pound sign fuck trump!)


  6. 9 hours ago, atomheartbevo said:

    Security didn't cover his ass after shots rang out - you can see him rolling over a bench.  I mean, at least they ran towards the guy with the gun, but somebody should have thrown themselves over him.

    He's going to survive apparently



    Looks like blue suit to his immediate right even runs away from getting shot. I would too, but I’m no secret service agent. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  7. 5 hours ago, HillCountryBevo said:

    Imagine your basis of hating Trump is because of mean tweets, January 6 and “hush money” trial all because liberal media is crooked. Fuck right off. This is my last post in this forum 

    dumb fucking liberals. Enjoy the increased inflation and WW3 if Biden gets elected again!! 

    I’m not a troll. I’m a patriot and want the best for this country. Stupid fuck. 

    Traitor bitch. Bye troll. Back to traitor trump doing anti-Christian shit and hypocrites still supporting him. 

    • Hook 'Em 5
  8. 35 minutes ago, Longhorn_Fan68 said:

    isn't that a comment he already made? the reason trump's lawyer read it all was because it was evidence, right? he didn't call him that in court

    I’m reading the cohen critique as focused on his podcasts, TikTok’s, etc. over the last couple weeks. They’re funny and dunking on trump should always be welcomed, but I also hope they don’t damage the current case. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  9. 6 hours ago, 'stache said:

    Legimately curious, the leader by far so far is that he'll plea and lose the election. What on earth makes anyone think he'd agree to any sort of plea? 

    I chose it cause there wasn’t a “guilty, no real consequences, loses election” option. I agree, no way he pleads out but none of the guilty verdicts with teeth will come down before the election. 

    • Hook 'Em 1

    21 minutes ago, Francisco 2.0 said:

    But by moving onto this next deal, he could be setting up a nice cliffhanger to leave jurors with, that he'll pick back up when we return Thursday morning.

    Damn, no trial tomorrow? Also, thanks for posting, really appreciate it!!

    • Hook 'Em 2
  11. 9 hours ago, tx 3 putt said:

    100%’ he’s getting off on this. No way in hell are 12 People going to agree

    The only redeeming drama will be watching trump get raked over the coals 

    I actually sort of agree/disagree. Like noted up thread about 5 pages back, the penalties are toothless. I think he will be convicted but no jail time or anything actually severe will happen. Essentially a big nothing burger since he won't yet suffer any real consequences.


    4 minutes ago, sheeeit said:

    Which is why I said RFK is probably the best choice.  He may be the one eyed man in the land of the blind.

    Seriously.  If someone on Texags told you today that the current POTUS, the most powerful position in the world,  who is in an intense campain for relection and where his mental acuity is a huge issue in that campain said publicly, on more than one occasion, that his uncle or his uncle's remains were eaten by cannibals in WW2, you would rightfully think that Texags poster was a lunatic.  But somehow its true.

    No, I would think even a senile old coot is better than a treasonous shit heel rapist that is twice as dumb but just has the benefit of not constantly battling his tendency to speak with a lisp.

    Biden is in cognitive decline but he at least is a patriotic American. Trump is just a traitor and that is currently twice as stupid as Biden but is also nearing the cliff of dementia ever day. 

    • Like 5
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  13. 9 minutes ago, sheeeit said:

    I watched your clip and now I am laughing more.  He said cannibals.  Of course the usual of you miss the point entirely.  I am sure some people are aware that there were cannibals in that area but most would have no idea.  Just saying cannibal was going to get tons of people googling to fact check the story.  It is seemingly so outrageous.  Hell I am high and mostly checked out politically anymore and I fact checked it.   The guys plane went down in the ocean.  There was a lone survivor who gave the account.  They were not near land at all.  For fucks sake neither his uncle or his dead body were eaten by cannibals.  Poor guy  never got out of the plane. 

    The point is that no even relatively unimpaired person would ever tell a whopper like this in public in front of the press.  And he is currently the POTUS and all that entails.   Cannibals.

    Did…. You never see a hurricane path drawn by a sharpie? 

    • Hook 'Em 2
    • Haha 2
    • Drool 1
  14. 2 hours ago, Viper said:

    I've also seen it referenced here and elsewhere but Israel never bombed or attacked an Iranian consulate, I guess people don't read past the headlines anymore. 

    Say what now? Haven’t paid the most attention but what’s the disconnect from this: 

    The New York Times cited four unnamed Israeli officials as acknowledging that Israel was responsible for the attack.

    Not saying there for sure was an attack but seems like the Iranian  embassy was attacked by Israel. 


  15. 5 hours ago, Horn Under a Bad Sign said:

    DJT Stock.jpg

    I’m assuming the election will make the price fluctuate like the aggy football season rollercoaster, but what’s a realistic value for the stock to hover at in the short term? Low teens? Mid twenties? Forbes said this:  SEC S4 filings make clear, that if the stock price remains above $17.50 for 20 out of 30 trading days, Mr Trump will receive an additional 36 million “earnout” or bonus shares.

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