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Certifiably Surly
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  1. Fair. I guess I always pictured narcissists more like bullies, where when they get popped in the mouth they cave. But yeah I hear what you are saying.
  2. A) thank god. He was a terrible American. b) in light of the post above regarding the recent kind media treatment/descriptions of trump, any psych experts here? I’m curious if a narcissist psyche can be broken. It’s one thing to spew hate and vitriol with no repercussions for an entire lifetime but this bully literally just got punched/hit in the head. I think the recent media descriptions of a subdued trump might be true; his own party member shot at him, what does that say about regular folk who hate him?! I have to think that messes up a narcissist but I’m as far from an expert as one can be.
  3. Anything that gets benefit from trump or anyone bc of that traitor… fuck you
  4. For me to wipe my ass on. Fuck traitors.
  5. So this is the first crime scene where trump isn’t a criminal? Says a lot….
  6. Not at all. No one on the cr is dumb enough to be a traitor pedo trump supporter. Pedo trump forced a 13 yr to fuck, didn’t he?
  7. Not really. 80 million plus everyone sane that is against project 2025 would have been like, “oh no… so anyway”. Project 2025 is evil incarnate and must be stopped. Not ideal way but when project 2025 says submit or there will be blood. What do you expect? Heritage wants blood. Fuck them
  8. He literally ordered an attack on our political process. My reaction has been the same since Jan 7. Attack my country and you get no quarter. Ever. Same for those want to secede, or failed at seceding 160 years ago, that attack our changing of power, lie about the election outcomes, that demand no bloodshed while boasting that we submit in order for them to take power to create the Handmaid’s Tale. When they tell you who they are, LISTEN. the traitor cunts wanted today to happen and I won’t even get into the fact of looks like a false flag. edit: and I’ll be clear. I’m saying today was the outcome that trump has wrought in our country. This started with him. Is it ideal this hate and political assassination? Hell no but it’s the world he created and either people submit to racist facist trump or they don’t. You fill in the dots with what outcomes are left to us normal people. USA USA USA!
  9. Jan 6 was sad. Today was almost redemption for anyone who didn’t want their country’s political process attacked since actions deserve consequences. But if you think today was sad, then it was always inevitable after traitors followed trump on Jan 6. Babbit, trump, and their ilk reap what trump sowed with his everyday hate, lying, fear mongering, divisive bullshit.
  10. Yup, They literally said it’s only bloodless if everyone else submits. So yeah, this is what the right wants.
  11. This video yes but artest an old middle age man now and about a year ago 7+ people were suspected beat to death in a stadium brawl In a Mexico league game. Just saying.
  12. Bro… Colombian women. Omaiga as they say, goddamn tough watching with the gf and her family. Fun but at least she gives me leeway to look (not stare) but not touch
  13. Ok I’ll amend cause I was wrong. Ref did one real shitty thing but otherwise I do appreciate him letting the players play, just got away from him that one time. Exciting watching this game with 500 Colombians in queens. Was actually rooting for uru but meh, as long as it’s a good game.
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