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Posts posted by Lagunamadre

  1. 19 hours ago, Armybrat said:

    Yes, it sure would help with the Bakken crude transportation. ND light sweet has been selling for a lot less than WTI because of the added rail & trucking costs, from what I’ve been told. The spread has usually ranged $5-$10 per barrel between the two.

    We've (company I work for) got a large mineral footprint across the Bakken, we are averaging about a $6.50 differential from WTI for the past 12 months. For reference our Permian diffs are about $2 and Eagle Ford $3. So your getting about $3/4 less per barrel in the Bakken than you would in Texas. Plenty of pipeline capacity out of ND with DAPL, just a function of traveling a lot further to get to a refinery, more tolls to pay. 

  2. 8 minutes ago, babysdaddy said:

    what are those numbers indicating?  In my mind I think of refining equivalent to distillment, is that incorrect?  

    I think Neonmoon knows a lot more about the subject than I do, so he can expand, but the numbers refer to the density of the crude. The lower the number the more dense/heavy. 

  3. 18 hours ago, billfromlaketravis said:

    Has the government ever offered incentives for refiners to convert their facilities from heavy to light crude? 

    That's a great question and what the average American misses in the "energy independent" talk. America could pretty much be self sufficient if all of our refineries were retrofitted for light sweet (shale) oil. The problem is that's a multibillion dollar and time consuming process which could only be done if the majors believed the light sweet was here forever, I think most of them feel like the shale production will always be the swing oil but will never have the economics to be our base, so for now our base will continue to be the heavier ME/Canadian/Mexican oil that we are currently set up to refine. With decisions like that with decades long implications, it would be hard to trust any gov subsidies that could be taken away 4 years later. So short of us nationalizing the refineries or major technological developments in shale development, probably not going to change any time soon. 

    • Hook 'Em 5
  4. 16 minutes ago, Chopper said:

    If Iran and the west reach agreement on reestablishing the JCPOA (which some are saying they're closing in on in Vienna talks) does that bring Iranian crude back to the West?

    It's my understanding that China is already buying all of the crude the Iranians can produce. So not sure it would have a huge effect on the fungible oil market. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. 15 minutes ago, Dahobbs said:

    Maybe @PenelopeWitherspoon or someone else in the industry can give a better answer, but my understanding is that it makes up a fairly small % of our oil usage and is used because some of our refineries are better at processing the heavier, sour crude produced by Russia than the lighter, sweet crude produced here. Use of Russian increased because our normal source for heavy crude, Venezuela, wasn't an option anymore due to sanctions. 

    There is already a de facto ban on Russian oil. Traders aren't touching it. They are running out of places to store it as they can't find a market for it, and if it keeps up will have to start shutting in production. Seems like the $110 price has removal of Russian oil baked in at this point. Nat gas is a different story. When the weather warms up in a couple months in Europe, Russia is going to be super fucked. 

    • Hook 'Em 3
  6. 21 minutes ago, Hagbard Celine said:

    the convoy has been stalled for 36 hours

    it's almost like it's parked in the open on purpose

    emulating vlad-mind.....

    .... i can see him thinking he can draw the west in to annihlating the convoy

    .... stupid from our perspective ....

    .... from his perspective possibly "logical"

    My thoughts as well. Seems like bait. 

  7. 12 hours ago, Porterhouse said:

    I flew back home just now. 

    Part of this was spurred by the fact I shit the bed this morning. Like literally. 

    At least you weren't walking the floor. Could have been much worse. Thoughts and prayers to your housekeeper. 

  8. 9 minutes ago, Francisco 2.0 said:

    LOL worthy.





    Airing a graphic that featured AT&T's customer support number and a picture of AT&T chairman William Kennard, Ball noted that Kennard had "connections to the Obamas and Clintons for decades."...

    "If you have any dirt on Mr. Kennard, I'd love to see it and put it on this program," the Real America host exclaimed.

    "You bring me concrete evidence of whatever it may be: cheating on his taxes, cheating on his wife, saying racial slurs against white people," Ball added, unsubtly referencing the fact that Kennard is Black. "Whatever it may be. Find it for me. Bring it, and we will air it."

    He wrapped his plea by saying, "Everybody's got dirty little sins and secrets they're hiding" and that Kennard "deserves to have his exposed" over DirecTV deciding to cut ties with One America News.





      Reveal hidden contents

    OAN's website urged viewers to "call DirecTV and AT&T to demand OAN remains on your channel lineup."

    "Cancel Culture in News is Unacceptable! Don't let woke executives shut down OAN!... Join the movement and stand up for freedom of the press!" the now-deleted message on OAN's website said.

    "On another OAN show on Monday, Trump spokesperson Liz Harrington framed DirecTV’s decision to drop OAN as an extension of a purported communist plot to steal the 2020 presidential election," Media Matters for America wrote.

    DirecTV last week confirmed it is dropping OAN after its current contract expires in early April. "We informed [OAN owner] Herring Networks that, following a routine internal review, we do not plan to enter into a new contract when our current agreement expires," DirecTV told news organizations. DirecTV is dropping both OAN and AWE, which is also owned by Herring Networks and stands for "A Wealth of Entertainment."

    Media Matters, Free Press, and over a dozen other advocacy groups previously urged AT&T and DirecTV to drop OAN, saying the right-wing network "is a major supporter of the Stop the Steal movement and is currently being sued by Dominion for spreading election fraud lies that claimed the 2020 election was stolen from Donald Trump." The groups' letter also said that OAN "stok[ed] violent calls for the attack on the US Capitol" and airs "wall-to-wall COVID-19 disinformation."

    AT&T "cannot speak to promoting values of equality and justice while also funding a channel spreading conspiracy theories and applauding insurrection... We call on DirecTV to stop carrying OANN and for AT&T to do everything in its power to denounce and remove OANN from its lucrative platform," the letter said.

    OAN's website says it is still carried by Verizon FiOS, CenturyLink, and smaller providers.

    Former President Trump and some Republican lawmakers blasted DirecTV. "Maybe what we should do is not use AT&T," Trump said at a rally Saturday, according to the Times of San Diego. "All I can tell you is the people that are telling the truth in America like One America News are being threatened," Trump also said. "I love One America News... I watch it all the time."

    "@DIRECTV is cancelling @OANN so I just cancelled my home Direct TV. Why give money to people who hate us?" Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) tweeted.

    "Pretty convenient that this comes within a week after Biden begged companies to silence 'misinformation', meaning his opposition. I stand with @OANN!" Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.) tweeted.

    AT&T's 2015 purchase of DirecTV for $49 billion ($67 billion including debt) was a resounding failure, and AT&T completed a spinoff of the company in August 2021. AT&T still owns 70 percent of DirecTV, but the service now functions more independently of its parent company. The DirecTV subsidiary owns and operates the DirecTV satellite service, the AT&T TV online service, and U-verse video.

    In 2019, OAN founder and chief executive Robert Herring Sr. testified in a labor lawsuit that he created OAN in 2013 in part because AT&T executives "told us they wanted a conservative network," according to a Reuters article. Reuters also wrote that an OAN accountant testified under oath that without the DirecTV deal, OAN's value "would be zero."

    Herring Networks claimed in a different 2016 lawsuit that AT&T promised to carry OAN on DirecTV in exchange for OAN's public support of the AT&T/DirecTV merger, which required government approval. OAN's lawsuit claimed that AT&T reneged on the pre-merger deal after the merger was finalized. OAN finally got on DirecTV in 2017, weeks after agreeing to drop its lawsuit against AT&T.

    AT&T denied the alleged quid pro quo, telling Ars in October 2021 that "support for the merger was never a condition of or part of any content agreement" and that "the decision of whether to renew the carriage agreement [with OAN] upon its expiration will be up to DirecTV, which is now a separate company outside of AT&T."


    Have fun on hold motherfuckers. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Haha 5
  9. 30 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    Back off, fuckers.....that's MY gameplan.  Paperwork for my new enterprise, "Cyber Samurais, LLC," is sitting on my attorney's desk as we speak.  Phase 2 of my plan is to buy pants with super-big pockets to cram all of the gullible MAGAt cash into.  Phase 3 is to promise some of that cash to Paxton so I get the auditing contract.  Phase 4 requires a live rooster.  But phase 5 definitely involves me skating out of town with lotsa cash in my big pockets.

    "We are checking each and every ballot for traces of Tequilla as we believe some ballots came from Mexico, the land of criminals, drug dealers, and rapist." 

  10. 1 hour ago, Brisketexan said:

    Biden has been around the block a few times.  Not the first time a constituent shared displeasure, either in a coherent or chickenshit manner.  Also, Biden is not a psychotic toddler who takes offense at everything like TFG.  Shit, at least GWB could stand there and take it like a man when a mother of a wounded soldier let him have it.  TFG would have slandered her on Twitter within 5 minutes of her outraged berating at him.

    Biden and W are at least functioning adults.  TFG and his supporters are fucking toddlers.

    That literally happened. 

    Donald Trump claims he was 'viciously attacked' at the Democratic convention by the parents of a slain Muslim soldier

  11. 55 minutes ago, hayden_horn said:

    some of my best friends are black people open carrying an ar 15 lol

    You want to see republicans do a quick 180 on open carry. Get a bunch of black and brown people walking around with ARs in white neighborhoods. The reaction would be quick. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  12. 6 minutes ago, Johnny Sack said:

    That is not accurate.  He filed suit on 2/19/19 against WaPo, CNN, ABC, CBS, USA Today owner Gannett, The New York Times and Rolling Stone. He settled against CNN before he turned 18.  And WaPo on his 18th birthday.

    And have you ever done a minor settlement conference?  I have done plenty in plaintiff PI cases. Any decent sized one I have ever done the settlement amount is confidential -- the judge just reviews the amounts in camera and the ad litem attorneys are bound ethically to keep the amount confidential.  And it's always the defendant who wants it confidential and puts in onerous terms to keep it so.  The plaintiff lawyer would rather it not be confidential as it really is just a condition that burdens the plaintiff and the plaintiff lawyer would like to advertise the result. The settlement agreement then is redacted so the public does not see the amount.

    I strongly suspect it was WaPo who insisted on confidentiality.  If he blabs about the amount, they can sue to disgorge it.  They probably refused to settle until he hit 18 believing the court would not agree to a disgorgement provision for a minor for a breach of confidentiality.  Because I have seen judges refuse that in a minor settlement.  They also make us as a plaintiff cut our fees.

    Can you post a link to the media's apologies that you are claiming they made to Sandman? Can't seem to find any. 

  13. Let us just hope when this is all over and KR walks free. That all the open carry gun nuts on the left will have simulataneous protests with all the open carry gun nuts on the right. They all feel threatened at the same time and they all kill each other. The world will be a better place once all these whackos are dead and buried. 

    • Hook 'Em 5
  14. 1 hour ago, Johnny Sack said:

    I would feel different because that's not what happened here.  KR wasn't yelling anything at anyone.  And feeling threatened is not enough.  Someone would need to attack you unprovoked and you have a reasonable belief you needed to shoot that person to prevent your death or serious bodily injury.

    Were you there with him that night Johnny? Seems like a pretty bold statment. 

  15. On 10/25/2021 at 11:42 PM, Dr. Beeper said:

    Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe……

    I bought a stream of cash flow and am about to hopefully sell a big chunk of it and be in position to pay off all debt and also put some away. From there, we’ll see how this acreage gets drilled up. 

    I (my company) will kick the tires on buying it. DM me. 

  16. 1 hour ago, wildcat09 said:

    I'm just glad their favorite chant of the moment isn't explicitly endorsing mass murder,  yet. "Let's go Brandon" is harmless and in three more years we'll be wishing they never moved on from it.

    It is tamer than their "jews will not replace us chants". Progress? 

  17. 10 minutes ago, Underdog said:

    Couldn’t Idaho just have told Loondell to fuck off?  That he’s in no position to call for audit.  

    Sure, but then they' get primaried in the next GOP election. 

    To succeed in today's iteration of the GOP you literally have to do what the Mypillow guys says, even if that is questioning the legitimacy of our democracy. And respect the flag of the United States. And also talk about succeeding from the United States because you hate it. It all makes so much sense. 

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