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Posts posted by yaqdum

  1. 8 hours ago, Atx71 said:

    when he couldn't keep it in pants, it was a concern of mine, almost as much as his poor taste in women with whom he cheated

    curious how you arrive at that.  appearance only?  you know, even the enchilada doesn't get judged by appearance only.  probably also true of the inch-a-lotta.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Captainant said:

    I mean, sure, but our president is in the WWE hall of fame for fucks sake. I think we're past balking at someone's name lol. And also the calendars aren't speculation, they're just a compilation of publicly available information

    i must have slipped a cog.  what's the problem here?

  3. 19 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    Ring that bell.  That is the biggest "tell" on the issue.  If you are TRULY "pro-life," then you take that stance consistently, AND you work to address the issue at the source, to minimize the desire for abortion or other actions that endanger life.  The doesn't just fail to do so -- they consistently oppose anything along those lines.

    As just one counter-example, contrast that with the Catholic church, which is at least consistent with its "pro-life" stance -- it is anti-abortion, anti-death penalty, and dedicated to protecting refugees and asylum seekers.

    In today's GOP, abortion is a facade.  It allows party supporters to falsely claim some sort of moral high ground, while supporting cruelty (remember, the cruelty IS the point these days).  Watch the discussion.  Watch them refuse to defend the actual cruelty espoused and practiced by the party, only to deflect with "oh yeah, what about ABORTION?!?!"  Every.  Single.  Time.  They use abortion as a shield, behind which they hide and commit and support pure cruelty.  That also tells you the end game -- the abortion debate is never going away (that is, the GOP leadership never actually wants to kill Roe v. Wade), because they don't want to be left without their shield.

    dammit.  why can't we upvote twice?

  4. apparently the first ref was ridiculously simple.  along the lines of:  do you want to go or do we stay?

    oliver correctly says that muddying the question with the various alternatives is likely tantamount to disaster, so make a new ref just as simple:  do you still want to go or do we stay?  if the vote is still to go, then it is a real problem that is going to have to be resolved, but if the vote is to stay, then disaster averted.


  5. 18 minutes ago, Jack Straw said:

    Nothing happened with any of those, and nothing will come of this, either

    if we had a truly representative senate trump would be plucking his navel behind bars right now today.  that senate is his shield.  can't be wasting our bullets on that shield.

    • Like 1
  6. 5 minutes ago, F250 said:

    Sounds like something an aggy cadet leader would tell a freshman.

    "We are doing an elephant walk tonight. "

    "Uh, you mean we have to hold each others dick?"

    "You say that like it's a bad thing."

    And that cadet leaders name was Rick Perry.


    yuck.  i've heard of for ages but no clue what it meant.

    • Haha 1
  7. 25 minutes ago, immamac said:

    Taking/sending dick pics over unencrypted or traceable methods. Really sending anything that could cost you 60B shouldn't be done out in the open. At least use a god damned burner or something. 

    i'm not convinced it wasn't on purpose.  this is a fight tailor-made for bezos, if he wanted it, and this could explain the bikini if the lady wasn't up to going for the fences.

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