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Posts posted by MIkeHoncho

  1. 1 hour ago, pyrohornIII said:

    That video says it all.  It's official now, "It's a rivalry now!"   That is what they wanted, and only aggy winning would make it so.  Thing is they exposed themselves for the shams they are (officiating, shitty defenses) in doing so.  Zero sum PR move by the SEC at best.

    This.  SEC wanted to ensure another ranked team (aggy falls out with a loss), and to pump up "rivalry" weekend - plenty will tune in next year for the bloodbath that should take place in BR next year. 

  2. 1 hour ago, Goodman said:

    You underestimate the levels of crazy fandom that run through his veins. He is also a kid who has showed great faux-loyalty since committing by saying some really immature stuff. The fact is his brother and family in ohio will benefit from his commitment, I hope he has to live in ohio for the rest of his life. The place is absolute misery. from now through May.


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  3. Is this where we put predictions?

    Lincoln Riley to Cowboys - 'cus Garret just has to go. 

    Stoops to Ohio State - 'cus Urbs is having heart palpitations and wants to spend time with the family.  Plus tOSU has a fresh, and never ending supply of dicks

    Urbs to Oklahoma - 'cus family time is overrated and OU has an established co-ed/wife beating penalty chart with 5* serving mandatory red shirt year.  No surprises and no need to hide his affinity for this activity.  

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  4. On 3/30/2018 at 7:03 AM, nycHorn said:

    When people just throw their cigarette butts on the ground.  I want to pick them up, follow them home and toss them into their living room.  

    Littering in general makes me want to eat their liver with some fava beans and a nice key-YAN-tee.

    Yes.  This makes me want to rage.  Somehow their car won't smell like an ashtray if they throw the butt out the window?  These are often the same people who will flip out if I don't bring my own GD canvas bag to the grocery store and ask for a plastic one from the cashier.  

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