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  1. https://datebest.net - visit website and win smartphone!
  2. When is the center going to learn to snap the ball?
  3. Any ship without deflector shields goes down pretty quick, they mentioned in the movie that the ships couldn’t use them in close proximity to the planet.
  4. SOOO much! Enjoyed it overall, but it should have been broken into two movies. I would really have liked more of a battle with the emperor.
  5. The offense Is usually pretty good in up tempo.. our problem is Mensa has decided to neuter the up tempo in favor of time of possession.
  6. One of their players missed a wide open layup.. nothing will be learned tonight.
  7. I recognize 4 of their names! I’m kinda shocked.
  8. Did anyone else watch the last play that was mentioned in the earlier post? https://mobile.twitter.com/billbarnwell/status/1186754670598983686 Simple physics tells me he had no shot at keeping the TE out of the endzone, and he probably knew it... am I wrong?
  9. Right...... now I’m yelling.. Fuck this shitty team. Losing to Kansas. [emoji21]
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