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Posts posted by Grandioso

  1. I dunno, if I'm the democratic congress, I think I'd figure out a way to give her as much floor time as possible. Yield your debate time to her and let her talk about Q Anon. Make the party own her. Make her the face of the party. Don't ask Congress to expel her, call for the Republican Party to expel her from the party. When they don't, explain how that is a tacit endorsement of everything she says and does. 

    • Hook 'Em 4
  2. 1 hour ago, honolulu horn said:

    This is exactly what caused it and how to stop it. People always had crazy conspiracy beliefs, but with social media algorithms they are able to consolidate en mass and perpetuate bullshit on an unprecedented level. 

    And algorithms are designed to get you as entrenched as possible as quickly as possible. 


    • Fuck Around and Find Out 1
  3. The single most damning aspect is the correlation between viewing Fox News and believing things that are demonstrably and objectively false. It has been shown in like 1,000 different studies over and over and over. 





    This is just shit I pulled up on the first page of Google results. (But caution: too much MSNBC can achieve similar effects).


    One study found that people who watched Fox News could not answer questions about current events as well as people who consumed literally no news at all. LMAO. Their ostensible product does the opposite of what it should do - make you aware of shit. Except the real "product" of Fox isn't "information," it's the dopamine bursts from outrage or something. Fox News is a drug dealer. 

    • Hook 'Em 4
  4. 6 hours ago, 4th&Five said:

    Fuck this clown. 


    "Radical Left" ha.

    Did you hear little Marco? Let's get the showmanship, sensationalism and infotainment OUT OF POLITICS! Wish we had Trump back.

    I'm really enjoying the fact that there is virtually nothing these people can say ever again that will sound serious.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  5. Quote

    The only good reason I can think of

    ...because my mind is operating 100% on bad faith and paranoia...


    is he can’t remember the names of the reporters covering him, and doesn’t want 2b embarrassed getting someone’s name wrong

    ...just asking questions."


    Thanks, Ari!


    • Rage+1 1
  6. 2 hours ago, 'stache said:

    Why do they always have to allege pedophilia? It's not enough that they don't like them or their policies or that they're criminals, but the crimes always seem to have to include pedophilia. It's almost like they are projecting something from within themselves. Its really fucking scary.

    I've thought about this. I think that in order to be most effective, a good mass panic/delusion has to involve just the most absolute evil. It has to trigger existential fear. I remember early on, most Q shit was about Trump v. the Deep State in the context of the Russia investigation and run of the mill corruption. (Yawn!) The pedophile/murder angle makes it involve the most egregious, aggravated offenses of sexual abuse and murder, against the most vulnerable victims, children. It is 1,000 times more emotionally provocative than Hillary's e-mails or Obama allegedly "spying" on Trump.

  7. "If you don't do something, you're not gonna have a country anymore," said the President, addressing alleged election fraud and the collapse of democracy itself to tens of thousands of angry supporters at a professionally financed and organized "Stop the Steal" rally, on a date that MAGAnon/QTwitter insisted was the reckoning day.

    If not to subvert democracy itself, what was the point of the rally?

    But it is hilarious that Trump said he was going to march to the capital with them, knowing this was 100% a lie, and then bailed to watch it at home on his TV. And maybe .01% of his supporters even got mad about that. Just utter cucks. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  8. Throw this onto the pile of 1,000 different arguments Republicans are making against impeachment.

    Cornyn - it's a 2-way street and we can impeach you! Think about strategy.

    Gaetz - this is cancel culture!

    Graham - we need unity

    Others - what about procedural due process stuff? 

    - Oh who cares, he's already gone...


    Seems like if Trump did not commit an impeachable offense (or many), that would be the argument everyone should be making. "Impeachment would be wrong because under the Constitution, what Trump did was very legal and very cool."

  9. Tries to steal laptop from third most powerful person in government to deliver to Russia. 

    Judge puts "no internet" as condition of release.

    Indicted conspirator promptly logs on and starts criming.

    You think the FBI isn't watching you?

    • Hook 'Em 1
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    • Fuck Around and Find Out 3
  10. This is post #48,304 on a thread that has been going for 1,121 days and viewed 7.6 Million times:

    I just cannot definitively conclude yet what Q's purpose was. We (anyone that has taken the time to research) know Q was connected to Trump. What is the ultimate purpose? So far, it wasn't to mass arrest the pedo's at the inauguration.


    Good work, everyone. 

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  11. 8:24am today - The Texags Q thread has been locked.


    Alright, everybody has had a opportunity for final thoughts and/or to connect with others off board to continue Q discussion.

    As I said, feel free to discuss many of the other subjects discussed in this thread in other threads on the politics board.

    Locking thread.

    Flag GIFs | Tenor

    • Haha 3
  12. 1 hour ago, MaybeACoordinator said:

    jerk themselves into a new reality.  

    So we create a FREE porn/News/feel good memes message board. Mix the endorphins from hardcore porn and the warm fuzzies from service dogs rescuing ducklings with dry, fact-based reporting from AP and Reuters. The new pavlovian response is to associate pleasure with facts.

    They jerked themselves into a new reality. They can jerk themselves back, dammit. 

    • Haha 2
  13. I guarantee you, this conservative free speech issue has been focused grouped, planned out over 1-2 years, the book written, this latest news article drafted months and months ago, all his appearances on 1000 different podcasts and TV shows scheduled, etc. etc. This was going to be the pet issue that makes the world know who Hawley is! 

    And this fucker just can't read the room. Bro, you helped start an insurrection, maybe wait 6 weeks before you try and cast yourself as the 1st amendment's victim in chief? It's amazing that he hasn't paused this shit in any way. He is just relentlessly pushing forward his messaging and causes even though fucking no one is in the mood to hear this motherfucker say a damn thing. Maybe log off, bro? Ted, maybe you too??

    • Hook 'Em 1
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