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Mike "Wags" Wagner

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Everything posted by Mike "Wags" Wagner

  1. What was he saying yesterday. What a fucking piece of shit.
  2. Are they any out there? The roster isn't devoid of inside players currently.
  3. Right. Whatever dude. Hogg lies every time he opens his fucking mouth. The Cuban immigrant lies every time she opens her fucking mouth. You are ok with Kasky's dad making an ass out of himself similar to Kyle, that's fine. You are a fucking hypocrite, got it.
  4. This page fucking sucks. Too much talk about players no longer on the team.
  5. Cam's dad responding to a victim's father.
  6. Without family consent you shouldn't be using their names at all in political statements and messages.
  7. Why they fuck would you broadcast that you can't grill worth a shit either?
  8. Hilarious that Kasky would cite this as a reason for not wanting to debate considering his side is using the name(s) of other children without the consent of their families.
  9. Hard to do when you have no fundamental grasp on offensive basketball.
  10. I keep forgetting that the Supersonics lost to the fighting Mutombos in 1993 as the #1 seed in the West.
  11. The grass has a better chance of surviving than Beto.
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