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Posts posted by Bevoette

  1. Let's see.... a bit ADD, PTS, anxiety,  prone to panic attacks.   When I was younger Sr HS and 20's I was sexually assaulted,  people came to my aid, wasn't raped Thank God.  Was also sexual assaulted by a boss at a U Haul after I got married and started as an office manager.  I later sued and they settled but they tried to make it my fault and it's a bit embarrassing, well humiliation with the WTF does that matter questions by their attorney.  When my spouse and I hit a rough patch he became verbally abusive to a point I wanted to die. He got help but damage was done. I'm a hot mess on medication even for sleep.  As you know.  

    • Hook 'Em 2
  2. My husband just informed me that we were dating he would think of himself a single and I'm thinking what the fuck we're a couple or dating were inclusive how is that single well I'm not married to you yet oh yeah well fuck you if I would have known he felt that way back then I probably wouldn't have married his ass I on the other hand if somebody asked me are you single if they're flirting with me I said yes I am seeing someone I have a boyfriend or thinking of getting engaged and that's that but he on the other hand says if somebody asks if he's single technically he is because only other thing other than single is married and I said that's not correct you're dating someone and engaged to someone that's not single am I right or am I wrong so I cannot dump them in the nuts for being wrong

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