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Posts posted by tfoolry

  1. My expectations were low because of venue but enjoyed the acts I wouldn’t normally go see like Ludacris & Alamis.  Agree the people were cool & liked being able to walk right up front on 50 yard line of stadium to see Bush. Only complaint was a couple other acts I wanted to see overlapped. 

  2. 2 hours ago, Chooky said:

    Justin Weiss Smith should write greetings cards. 

    "Birthdays are a false concept and you're unimportant.  Nobody cares and all the women on this rotten continent are as idiotic as they are materialistic.  They're disease packets that don't understand value and ironically the only time I can escape the disgusting darkness of this nightmare called life is when I'm asleep.  I took a shit in a Starbucks this morning and didn't flush because fuck hipster douche bags and corporate zombies like you.  Happy Birthday?  No!  Your death is the only thing I'll celebrate when I vomit on your grave.  I bought a sword on E-bay and it's a piece of shit because nobody respects or strives for true art or meaning anymore.  Your carcass will eventually be filled with death worms and I'm the only one who saw you this way during your entire, pathetic life.  Happy Birthday." 


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  3. 33 minutes ago, Nuge said:

    I use facebook to show off my exciting, fulfilling fake online life while my real life is crumbling to pieces.  Isn't that what it's for?

    Nuge = Kamyar?

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