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Red Six

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Posts posted by Red Six

  1. 3 hours ago, phdhorn said:

    Anal Lube issue:

    FWIW, Kara King is the mayor of Bee Cave.  So she's already in the political realm.

    She did a great (not kidding), no GREAT job of marshaling the resources to get us power during the freeze.

    My guess is that coming from her, it has some clout.  They'll either remove it or put some type of notice on it.

    Other than that, as Hawkeye Pierce once said, there's not a machine invented that can measure the amount of indifference I have on this subject.

    The speaker was Kara Bell, not Kara King.

    The latter is a level-headed public servant and middle school math teacher.

    The former is a psychotic, failed school board candidate who is fronting an astroturf movement to kill public education.

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  2. On 9/13/2021 at 1:42 PM, Wally Pryor said:

    Pretty high bar set by other members of the council. 

    Seems like Kelly at least communicates with her constituents.   I've concluded that Paige Ellis is a corpse. 

    I lived in her district when she was elected. She beat out a field of other nobodies and won against Ellen's pick in the runoff. The district was primarily Oak Hill/Circle C, but she lived in that remote corner by Westlake, so she wasn't really involved in any of the neighborhood groups or hyperlocal politics. Apparently she had a politically connected boyfriend who ran the show. Politics aside, Ellen was responsive and accountable to her constituents. Paige is just kind of... there.

  3. 19 hours ago, Born to Run said:

    LTISD school board meeting was apparently lit AF with discussion of Anal sex and book bannings.banking. Wow

    This is failed school board candidate Kara Bell, aka the "Woman of God" of Nordstrom Rack fame.

    She has never had anal sex, and she doesn't want to have anal sex.

    This happened on Wednesday night.

    On Thursday morning, school district police reportedly went into a middle school library to investigate the offending book and others, and the superintendent removed them from the shelves.

    Things are getting fucked up.

    • Haha 1
  4. This is just the Littlefield Fund for Southern History updated for the modern age.

    Also, while Googling that to ensure that it was really a thing and not just some figment of my imagination that I conjured from my Orientation walk a couple decades ago, I found that two of the three George Littlefield Professors of American History are black.


  5. 1 hour ago, Anastasis said:

    LTISD going off the rails.  Got notification this week for in class exposure for 2/3 of the genetic offspring. Did a rapid in home test this morning on youngest cause scratchy throat (negative). Got notification of 7 on campus cases at daughters school. Dip shits protesting on 620 telling kids that they don't need masks and Jesus will save them (my Jesus loves epidemiology, their Jesus flat earth bullshit apparently). School board meeting tonight. Might pour (another) stiff cocktail and head up to the board meeting to heckle the public comments. 

    One of the school mom Facebook pages (the one that posted the Nazi meme the other day) is streaming it. So far the three pediatricians, a couple nurses, and an EMT have come out as for masks.

    A Q and a "Patriot" so far have come out against.

    Odds are the board will not implement a mask requirement.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  6. 2 hours ago, Anastasis said:

    LTISD in their first full week of school. 32 total cases among students.  15 at the HS, 5 across the three middle schools, and the remaining 12 spread across the seven elementary school (three of them accounting for 9 of the cases). 

    They called an emergency school board meeting for Thursday night regarding covid-19 safety measures.

    I wouldn't be surprised if they fall 4-3 on requiring masks. Which way, I'm not sure.

    All I know is that I reinforced to my elementary daughter this morning that she needs to keep her mask on at school, because there are some parents who think giving their kids horse medicine will cure covid.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  7. 3 hours ago, HOOKEM4 said:

    LT is a shitshow. Evidently the students and staff are wearing masks at a very very low rate. Thankfully my kids reported no bullying about them wearing masks. I definitely am concerned they will be harassed about the masks, but hopefully they can handle it the way I explained they should. Based on the meet the teacher my youngest wont have an issue, he looked a solid two years older than any kid in his class. It was so absurd I asked my wife if she was sure this was the correct class.

    At our elementary school, the principal told the teachers and staff they had to wear masks, without telling them they had to wear masks. Looks like 50/50-ish of the students at dropoff, but my kid says she only keeps the mask on part of the day, so who knows.

    Older kid didn't say much about middle school, but I think most of the people in her friend group are wearing them, so that's a plus. As far as bullying, my wife told them to be nice, but I'm just waiting for a call (or, more likely, a FB message) from a parent telling me my kid said something awful to their unmasked child.

  8. 1 minute ago, Patricio Swayze said:

    What about the 45 to 183 from Buda? I know it’s not the most direct approach, but can’t be worse than 35, no?

    I pulled up some houses near Brodie and Davis and a few not far from there that were under $450. What is the school situation around there?

    We lived near Brodie and Davis up until about a year ago. Elementary school in our neighborhood was good, but the middle school was so-so and the neighborhood mostly fed into Crockett (which isn't terrible, but isn't great, either). It's a great area for access to Bergstrom, though -- all that was between us and the airport were two stop signs in the neighborhood, and then you just went MoPac to Ben White.

    • Like 1
  9. There are lots of developments out east near Bergstrom, e.g., Easton Park. People who are moving here from out-of-state and don't know any better are snatching them up. The schools out there are Del Valle, but I wouldn't be surprised to see the new developments take the area over, a la Dripping Springs over the past 15 years.

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  10. 2 hours ago, Anastasis said:

    well they could demonstrate the great resolve and take action like LTISD. They are working around the clock in shifts with their legal counsel in order to determine which mask order to break, the judges or the govs. Masks optional as we go off the rails with community transmission. 

    The local lefties are apoplectic that the superintendent was not wearing a mask at an event last night; the righties were so happy to see his smiling face greeting parents.

    At my older kid's orientation last night, I'd say it was about 50/50 masks, with most of her friends in the masked 50 percent. I just hope she doesn't repeat what I've muttered about some of the unmasked kids' parents...

    On the plus side, my other kid's teacher said in her intro email that she would be greeting students masked with a smile. That's reassuring and should help my daughter feel more comfortable wearing a mask.

  11. 19 hours ago, bluto said:

    I don’t know that we have a firm grasp of just where these transplants moving here fall on the political spectrum. Anecdotally I hear a lot more of right leaning folks moving here fleeing their librull commie home states.

    There was polling indicators that transplants helped give cruz the edge over Beto as well.

    Living in a fast-growing Austin suburb that is full of transplants, my anecdotal observation is that the people moving here from the West Coast, Chicago, or New York tend to be ridiculously right-wing, and they will tell you they moved to Texas because of freedom. Southerners -- Georgia, Tennessee, Florida, etc. -- seem to be more moderate, as do people from other parts of the Midwest, the mountain states, etc. A lot of the Texans seem to be Bush Republicans who aren't particularly liberal but also aren't crazy and some of them may have even voted for Biden without telling their parents. There's the person with the "In this house..." sign on every block, and most of them seem to be from larger Texas cities.

    Long story short... the transplants are almost a wash with a centrist lean. They tend to be educated and well-to-do, which tends to favor the Dems with current national demographic trends, but with Texas Dems generally running flaming bags of dog poo statewide, the transplants aren't going to be much of factor.

  12. 12 minutes ago, Wally Pryor said:

    What is cocktail service like at the casinos?  I know the pours have been scaled back but not even sure if waitresses are working the tables now or not.

    We were there in April during the stimmy ramp-up and before the end of the first mask times, and it was surprisingly good. We stayed at Paris and service was frequent there as well as Downtown. I could park myself at a slot, VP machine, or table and have a drink in my hand within minutes. I don't know how the pours are in mixed drinks; I just asked for straight Scotch and it was good enough for me.

    Much better than our last time there at the end of February 2020, when it was awful everywhere I played. Wynn, Park MGM, Cromwell, Caesars, Ex, Luxor, Cosmo -- they all sucked. Service overall was much better this year.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  13. 32 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    People who have degrees, especially law degrees, from Princeton, Harvard, Yale, UT, etc. were not failed by the education system.

    The people I'm talking about want the votes and the donations that come with taking certain stances on the issues around covid.  If you want to know more, you know where CR is.

    The stupidest people I have met have law degrees from Princeton.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  14. 4 hours ago, BrazilHorn said:

    There’s been so much data already that kids in school aren’t the spreaders etc

    Have all teachers and staff vaccinated, check temps daily of kids and have them wear masks. 

    There won’t be a big run on cases. 
    We saw this all last year. AISD in Texas was pretty much only large metro that actively discouraged in person learning (until they got worried about funding in Spring)

    Nearly all of positive covid cases by teachers/staff/students were caught outside of school. 

    The teachers unions nationwide were hoping for the opposite but it never manifested which is why people are pushing so hard for in person this fall. We listened to the science. This isn’t hard:vaccinate, test, mask 

    There was little to no spread in schools during the past year, but that was because they were wearing masks. In our community, the kids were catching it at dance/sports/church where they weren't wearing masks. So if they're not wearing masks in school, we likely will see an uptick in spread, especially because there are so many bug-chasers who, because the school can't make them keep their kids home, will send their kids to school even if they're positive.

  15. On 6/24/2021 at 8:06 PM, That Guy said:

    This Webster guy seems like he sucks. 

    Back when he was just a fancy hairdo and toothy grin sycophant of Jana Duty's in the WillCo Attorney's Office, I eavesdropped on a conversation of his in the courthouse hallway shortly after Sandy Hook. He was basically touting the NRA line of "If the teachers were armed, it wouldn't have happened."

    So "just bring [your] guns" is par for the course for him.

  16. 4 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    Listening to the AISD school board meeting, and it's been somewhat of a shitshow, with multiple people doing the "MY CHILD MY CHOICE" bullshit.

    And the thing is, they all keep repeating the same phrases, word-for-word.

    And they all keep talking about "ASID".

    It's almost like they are all reading from a script....

    @Larry T. Spider are you listening to this?

    I listened to the public comment section of my local school board meeting.

    There were two citations to the Nuremberg Code regarding the vaccine, one who said that things would change when the 2020 election was proven to be fraudulent, one mother and child who cried about how masks made their school experience horrific, lots of "let's see our kids' smiling faces," and plenty of that "MY CHILD MY CHOICE" action.

  17. 4 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    Too late.

    The positions are set in stone, and among the “never ever getting it” crowd, the one thing they can never do is admit they were wrong. They will stick with that to, literally, the death.

    When you either foment the belief, or outright state, that covid is a hoax, there is a cure (HCQ, Ivermectin, whatever), there's a microchip in the vax, etc., you're not suddenly going to get people to get vaccinated just by pulling out the Trump trope of accusing Democrats of... whatever it is she is accusing them.

  18. 2 hours ago, workswithseed said:

    Apparently 184 countries have no embargo on Cuba, but America is just so oppressing with not doing trade with Cuba. It's almost like Communism is the killer, and not the embargo.

    The embargo is very far-reaching with how interconnected multinational corporations are. For instance, a credit card issued by a foreign bank that, so far as I know, is entirely contained within one non-U.S. country (e.g., Germany's Sparkasse) can get blocked because its payment system utilizes American bank infrastructure. It's not like American companies can backdoor their way into Cuba through a foreign subsidiary; Coca Cola France can't buy Cuban sugar for beverages there, InBev can't import Cuban rum, Altria's European and Asian subsidiaries can't import Cuban tobacco, etc. Technically, you're not supposed to even purchase a Cuban cigar in Mexico or Italy or wherever. The goal is for zero American dollars to make its way into the country (though that doesn't keep hard currency from arriving via foreigners). An American embargo will shut down an economy real quick.

    ETA: That's not to discount the impact of communism. But the embargo is really the death knell.

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