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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Nolacycling

  1. 21 minutes ago, Lurch said:


    Deep Throat remained anonymous for 30 years


    Maybe I missed your point , but Deep Throat was not anonymous to Woodward and Bernstein. I agree that the NYT would not post an anonymous letter without a face.

  2. 5 hours ago, pyrohornIII said:

    Wasn't this like 2 months ago?   But now the 911 has been released?  911 is there for emergencies.  They start charging 100 bucks or so for each call that goes in that isn't non emergency, then that will stop that crap.  We have the technology now to tie records to phone numbers.    Use it to keep up with these drama queens and start charging them after the 2nd or 3rd time.  Jail time if they exagerate a situation to get a response.   We are short handed enough on LE, fire and EMS without having to go tend to these little SJW things.   I know SJW is usually used for libruls.  What are these people then? IWB? Insecure white bitches?

    My god it reminds me of Nazi germany, all the good little nazis ratting on their neighbors, hoping to be somehow rewarded or recognized by the party. 

    I like the concept, but the flip side is nobody ever answers the regular number.

  3. 16 minutes ago, Chuychanga said:

    Watching the Rewind show right now and Collin Johnson just said "Losing a game doesn't make you a loser."  Uhh... yeah it does.  It's kind of the literal definition of the word.  Now you don't have to be a loser all season, but each time you lose a game you most certainly are a loser that day.   There are winners and losers every week and you are absolutely one or the other with no in-between.  

    I know Chris Warren is on IR, but does anyone get the feeling that Johnson, like Warren, is saving himself for NFL, per Daddy?

  4. 1 hour ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    That tweet is so confusing on so many levels.

    It’s like he’s trying to create a new (false) defense narrative but it’s not coming together.


    From @gregolear

    In the GoodFellas reboot that is the Trump presidency, we've reached the part where Henry's making meatballs, doing deals w/ his connection in Pittsburgh & avoiding helicopters. At this rate, by Halloween, Melania will be flushing a brick of coke down the White House toilet.

    If Melania is Karen, is Fran Drescher Ivanna? 

  5. Herman is Curley from Of Mice... He's a pseudo tough guy who bullies everyone  because he's got the power of ownership,has a glove filled w/vaseline because nothing feels better than jerking his own self off, gets his ass kicked and doesn't know what his wife(team) is doing behind his back.

    • Like 1
  6. Hank Hill

    Hank Hill: I-I'm trying Peggy. I just... hey, you know, Coachs used to say something that would fire us up when we were behind.
    Peggy Hill: Yeah, what?
  7. 1 hour ago, Red Five said:

    Nonconsensual anal sex?

    If your boyfriend tastes like shit you're in prison,

    If your boyfriend tastes like shit you're in prison,

    if your boyfriend tastes like shit, it's his asshole not his dick

    if your boyfriend tastes like shit you're in prison



  8. 2 hours ago, SpiralOut said:

    Always love the inflated numbers cops give for their drug busts.

    "We raided this guy's house and found three marijuana plants with an estimated street value of $5 million bucks!  We're obviously doing a phenomenal job protecting this community!  So, please give us more money so we can buy more armored vehicles and tacti-cool gear so we can look like the Navy Seals we envy!"

    Not sure if still true, but there was a time where they would break the weight down to how many joints at x value were confiscated. Street price and all

  9. On 8/29/2018 at 8:00 AM, GhostOfTomJoad said:

    What the fuck is Jack Nicklaus doing on f&f? Why would a global businessman wallow in that pig slop?

    FWIW Nicklaus designed the Trump's  Ferry Point Course near Manhattan.

  10. It became law in 2011. Because privates can draw students from anywhere they must participate at the 6A level.

    Sidenote: in our modern world where Redskins et al are no longer appropriate mascots,how about the Strake Jesuit  Crusaders?

  11. 2 hours ago, DefinitelyNotHollywoodColt said:

    I can't speak to that study, but I can tell you with certainty that 100% of the people that wear DARE shirts do lots of drugs.

    Dare sticker on the rear bumper screams "Pull me over!"

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